1.) My mom came to visit me! Granted, it wasn’t for the most fun reason ever (doctor’s appointment), but I appreciated her effort and company, and I loved seeing her.
2.) Speaking of doctor’s appointments…
This happened. It was just some bloodwork, and I’m not even that big a wimp when it comes to needles. But the nurse moved the needle around in my arm and that hurt. At least I got a Tangled sticker?
3.) Afterward, we went to the Apple store, and I discovered that my computer needs a new logic board, so it got sent far away to get fixed. And now I need to rent one from the school for a couple of days. 🙁
4.) Some good news: I got Chipotle!
I went eight weeks without Chipotle before last Saturday… and I’ve had it twice in a week since then. I love it so much. I could absolutely eat it every day.
5.) In entirely unrelated news: it’s supposed to be nearly 50 degrees next week. What? This is slightly unthinkable, but completely awesome. I hope it happens.
6.) Since my family won’t see me on my birthday, my mom brought me little presents to open each day in March until my birthday. This is perhaps the cutest idea ever, and so far I got some peanut butter, cereal, a gift card, and a little Disney quote sign.
I’m a tiny bit excited for the next 11 days 😉
What could you eat every day?
What’s the weather like where you are?
Favorite birthday present?
I’m with you on #4 & #5! I honestly could eat Chipotle every day and I’m so excited for it to be close to 50 next week here, too! It’s been so cold!!
My econ professor called tomorrow the last “truly cold” day Chicago will see until November. I’m not getting my hopes up, but that would be SO nice!
Eeeee I can’t even look at bandaids after blood work — this girl has a serious needle phobia, and the idea of having a nurse move a needle around IN my arm just makes me want to faint. Also… I can’t even tell you how badly I wish that we had Chipotle up here in my neck of Canada. I only get to enjoy it when I go on vacation…
Ouch on the Chipotle front. I guess that just makes the vacation (or the Chipotle) all the more welcome 😉
I’ve loved that quote from Pooh Bear ever since I was little! I love your parents’ idea of the present-a-day…that would be so much fun!!
Easy questions! 😛 Peanut butter and chocolate I could eat every day, in any way, pretty much for the rest of my life, I’m fairly certain. 😉
It’s bright, sunny, blue skies here in the Seattle area…but a *leetle* bit chilly.
Best birthday present EV-ER: one year, my family all worked together to write a surprise birthday post for me, just like I do for each member of my family. They each contributed a favorite thing about me/something they appreciated about me, and then they posted it secretly to my private family blog. It was so touching and I think I probably cried when I read it. 🙂
It was so sweet of them! 🙂
I’m pretty sure I do eat peanut butter and chocolate every day 😉
It was sunny today and I LOVED it. Cold, sure, but so stunningly gorgeous.
Awww that so sweet! I know I’ve cried at “homemade”, specially-written gifts before. A few times. But they’re still pretty fantastic 🙂
Hmmm, I would go out to eat every day because there are so many delicious food options where we live. But, if we are talking about staying in, I would probably want your dad’s eggs.
A fresh coat of new snow and more below freezing temperatures. I am very much looking forward to a warm up…40’s would make me happy.
Even though I LOVE to cook, I would also love to eat out every day. There is just so much good food out there waiting to be tried 😉
Eggs from daddy would be excellent. He’s pretty great!
I went outside this morning and was SO happy. It is absolutely glorious out there!