Sometimes I pin all the things, and sometimes I look at my feed and then go do something else immediately. Sometimes I get sucked in, and sometimes it’s just overwhelming. Lately, I’ve been pinning a lot. I like that I can find motivation and reassurance and funny stuff and delicious food all in one place, and it’s a pretty decent way to zone out for a little long while. Today, I thought I’d think some of my thoughts out loud via some of my recent pins – and link up with Amanda!
Click on a picture to go to the site I pinned it from!
Always a good reminder. Because you are!
I have to make these. Soon.
Nothing has more accurately described my eating pattern.
Salted caramel chocolate dump cake. YUM.
I am definitely working on relaxing and just partaking in life, and just trusting the rest.
I love mushrooms. And French onion soup. And cheese. And… this.
What are your thoughts on Pinterest?
Do you like quotes?
Tell me about your week – I’d love to hear about it!
I try to use Pinterest on a regular basis, but it’s mostly for blog related stuff, which comes down to work related stuff. Still! Sometimes I end up getting sucked into the black hole and 2 or 3 hours go by without me even realizing it. Oops.
I know the feeling all too well. 🙂
I saw those mushrooms too, and I was like, “Oh. My. Those look amazing!!” Yes, yummy flavors all in one little bite-size!
Haha, I get so sucked into *just blogs*, I know I’d waste time horribly on any kind of social media. Yeah, I am that person-who-lives-in-a-cave who doesn’t have social media… 😉
But I love, love, love quotes and I could (and – ahem – have) wasted time paging through quotes to add to my quote journal. (And I totally could have t-shirt with that peanut butter one on it! 😛 )
Crazy busy week so far! Babysitting, renewing my driver’s permit, roasting everything in sight 😛 …lots of to-ing and fro-ing. 😉
I can see where not having social media would be nice. That said, now that I do, I can’t imagine NOT having it.
Wow! Sounds busy. I hope you get some chill time this weekend!