1.) If you ever need to feel super happy, write notes to people!
Okay, you’ve seen this picture a couple times now. Sorry about that. But really, there’s nothing that makes me feel quite as grateful for the people in my life as telling them how grateful I am for them. And who doesn’t like getting mail? No one, that’s who. (Unless mail = bills, of course.)
2.) I’ve been to three yoga classes in the past week and, guys, I’ve fallen back in love with it. I used to practice very regularly and then just stopped for no real reason, aside from the fact that I figured it wasn’t that important…
… but I’m learning that it actually is really important to me. It puts me in a good mental place. It makes me feel focused and strong and generally calm. Not to mention that it feels great physically. Yoga = awesome.
3.) This isn’t related to any one thing in particular, and I’ll probably write more on it when my thoughts feel more coherent, but I think it has really hit me recently that there are a lot of things worse than failure or rejection. Going for things you want is the only way to have a chance of getting them.
4.) I have very strong, healthy nails. Physically, I can grow long nails. But you would never know it, since they drive me absolutely crazy as soon as they cross my fingertips. They just bother me so much for no reason at all. They don’t stop me from doing anything I normally do, and they don’t scratch my eyes when I remove my contacts. I just can’t stand them.
That’s about as long as you’ll ever see my nails. And that felt too long.
5.) My other aesthetic annoyance of late? Well, I’m very blonde. However, I have fairly dark eyebrows. Particularly, I have about three very-dark eyebrow hairs that refuse to be waxed off or plucked out. I am most likely the only person who notices this regularly, but I notice and they won’t go away. Ugh.
6.) I’m craving baking time, banana bread sounds good, and I have bananas that are looking quite ripe. Hopefully I can squeeze some kitchen time into my schedule soon?
7.) I shared this yesterday on Instagram, and I love it endlessly.
There’s not one way to be happy. Just focus on your way. And have a fabulous day!
Do you enjoy yoga?
Long nails or short?
Anything else I should know?
I was obsessed with growing long nails for a while there, mostly because I was a biter when I was younger and could never get them to a certain length without biting them off. But now? I prefer them when they’re pretty short — maybe just a tiny bit past my finger tips. That way I don’t have to worry about hitting my fingers onto something and breaking them. Which always seems to happen. And annoys me to no end 😡
Broken nails are the worst!
I like having my nails a little long, but when my eczema is bad I cut them super super short so that I don’t scratch myself in my sleep., ahhaha I love that you write people notes and actual mail for no reason! I really need to start doing that. I keep seeing the cutest cards in the Dollar Spot at Target but I have no idea what to use them for.
I love all the cards in the Dollar Spot! They’re so cute!
Yea girl, preach. Whatever makes you happy – keep doing that. banana bread is on my radar too! I am really into yoga right now – it’s helping to keep me in the presence. And SHORT nails for me! Long ones bother me 🙂
Sounds like we’re in very similar mindsets right now 🙂
I have not done yoga in a while but it was enjoyable when I went. I’m focused on other aspects of my life at the moment but I’ll probably go again soon.
I definitely keep my nails short because they break off at work if I don’t. I also can’t paint them because they chip off too easily. Long nails also cut into my palms when I am running so much that I’ve drawn blood. I’ll keep them short for now.
I wrote a letter to my sister yesterday and I felt like smiling all day. It really does make you feel good!
Haha you must clench your fists pretty tightly when you run! That’s impressive 😛
Right there with you with yoga – could’ve written that excerpt myself!! I have been loving it lately too, especially CorePower 🙂 I have okay nails, but always envied people (like you) who have naturally long and strong nails.
Love CorePower!
Short nails! But not so short it hurts and there is no “white: left 😛 hahaha! (Also NEVER pained!)
Intense dark = intense love!
And I just bought 2 super ripe bananas for some bread baking!!! WOOO!
Haha definitely not so short it hurts. And yay for dark chocolate and ripe bananas!
SHORT nails, because I’m always breaking mine. 🙂 I’ve never done yoga. 😀 I’m not a huge fan of the eastern mysticism behind it, but I do like the ideas of the stretches!
The stretching does feel great!
Oh my gosh, I LOVE yoga!! It’s a pretty new discovery for me, in the past year, but the more I practice, the more I love it. And funny, my sibs and I were just talking about nails just the other day. My nails are so ugly long (plus very weak and bend/break easily), that I always cut them short. Even if I could grow them long, though, I think I’d cut them short because the constant scratching myself + fingernail hygiene would drive me batty. ?
I feel like short nails are generally more convenient 🙂
Medium-long nails for me. I can’t do long ones because a) I’m afraid they might break and it’d hurt badly and b) I don’t think they look all that good.
Like you I try to not see failure as the worst thing ever but a learning opportunity. Sometimes this is easier said than done but more often than not it ends up teaching me something in the long run.
Definitely easier said than done! But it’s something I try to keep in mind, nonetheless!
Your eyebrow conundrum made me laugh! I tend to keep my nails fairly short but enjoy painting them with weird patterns when I get chance 🙂
I wish I was talented with nail art, but I guess my polish always chips fast enough that I don’t really bother anyway haha.
Happy TOL Thursday! A little handwritten note goes a long way and snail mail makes me so happy. Also that report from greatist is great and totally what I need today.
So glad you found what you needed here ❤️ Hope you’re having a lovely day!
That intense dark chocolate is gooooood! And I like my nails about the length you have in that picture or a little longer! So I guess medium length- enough to be pretty and elegant (that’s the hope at least- but I portably need to get/give myself more manicures to make that happen!) without getting in the way.
Definitely one of my favorite chocolates! Always have it on hand 🙂
So, just this week I was told that I should start yoga (because I need to learn a way to deal with stress). I’ve avoided it, because I feel like it is time I could be doing other things. I think reading your post gave me the push I needed! Thanks for that!
I can absolutely relate to this feeling! I don’t like to think about spending time trying to calm down and destress – I feel like I should just be able to magically handle everything. Also, I have the tendency to dismiss it when people suggest I could use help/coping mechanisms, but I can honestly say that when you let yourself get over that, things can really help. And I love yoga for that. If you ever want to talk about yoga or anything else, feel free to email me! myuncommoneveryday@gmail.com
Thanks so much! You will be hearing from me for sure!