1.) I really, really think I like my classes. I love learning, so that’s part of it, but I’m taking classes that I feel engaged in and interested in for the first time in a while. I’m pretty exhausted, but I really generally enjoy my readings and homework. Ask me how I feel in a couple weeks, but for now I feel okay.
2.) I say I feel okay, but I’m the first to admit I kind of melted down on my second night of classes. I had been starving all day, no matter what I ate, and I have long days of class on Tuesdays and I was still feeling pretty sick. I was trying to write a simple three-paragraph response and I panicked and froze and then ate an entire carton of Cookie Dough Oreos. Delicious, but I’m sure there are better coping mechanisms.
{Shouldn’t, but I’m probably going to try to find more}
So that happened. I also got a million sweet texts from my family and high school friends while I was stressing and I don’t know how I’d do this without them.
3.) I’m the first to admit that the residential “house” system at UChicago might be a little cheesy. It’s kind of right out of a Harry Potter book. BUT I love it. I actually feel like I have a family here, too. At any meal, I can sit at the house table next to whoever happens to be there, and have a nice cheery conversation about our days and our plans for later and what we’re dealing with and also sometimes philosophy. Love.
Also, we do fun things together. This weekend, we’re going apple-picking!
4.) The morning after my little meltdown was nice and relaxing and productive. It made me feel like I can probably “do college” after all. I didn’t have a class until mid afternoon, so I got in a good work out, finished a bunch of reading, ran some errands, and had time to just sit quietly and catch up with friends and enjoy my $1 milkshake.
{Every. Single. Week.}
Okay, so it was actually a lot more like ice cream. Creamy mint ice cream with really good dark chocolate chips and, uh, more Oreos. Overkill?
5.) Fall is so pretty. It’s breezy and the trees are golden and the sky is the perfect blue. This is where you imagine what it looks like to be surrounded by castle-like buildings in perfect weather because my picture got deleted. Sorry. It was beautiful.
6.) I have a philosophy discussion and a calc class today, and then I’m meeting with my adviser because my Spanish class got canceled. It’s my only class three days a week, so… I’d really like to have something on those three days…
7.) My roommate and I are both sick now. When we’re sitting in our room studying, it’s like a symphony of sniffing and coughing. Can’t wait till that’s over. I’m writing this on Wednesday night, and I have class in the morning, so I’m going to wrap this up and call it an early night. Maybe that’ll help me heal up faster?
Share your random thoughts with me. I’d love to hear them 🙂
I actually think that “cheesy” house system sounds pretty awesome! It’s a great feeling to be able to bond with people who are going through the same thing as you. I stayed at home while I was going to university, and I can’t help but feel like I missed out on a big part of college life. Ahh well… it had its perks too.
What you are experiencing is soooo normal, Ellen…even the Oreo part!!! You will have a new routine in a couple of weeks and look back and laugh at the craziness:) I’m so happy you have a new “family” in Chicago. When you get super stressed, remember your yoga breathing and things will feel much better.
Thanks, Constance! I would say there are probably more “Oreo incidents” in the future, but I’m trying to remember to just relax and breathe and enjoy all the moments I can.
I love it, BUT I can see the perks of living at home. For example, the food. Also, never underestimate the amazingness of coming back to your own house after a long day.
Hi it’s Kayla how is College, the Oreo mint Icecream looks GOOD miss you so much!!!
College is good! I’m having fun, and oh yes, the ice cream was great! Miss you, too!
I see you’re appealing to a younger demographic. Try to keep it clean.
It’ll be difficult, I’m sure, given my exhausted-by-10pm ways. But I’ll try 😉