1.) There is an inordinate number of bunnies in my neighborhood. Aaand my dog is quite aware of it.
When we get within, oh, fifty feet of a rabbit, Pippa starts taking walking super slowly and her strides become about an inch long. We’re pretty sure she’d never actually hurt one if she “caught” one, and she’d just want to sniff it and play with it. However, the bunnies hop away too quickly, so she never gets the chance. Doesn’t stop her from doing the slow-stalking thing every time she sees one.
2.) I got to swing at my family reunion on Sunday! My friends and I used to go to the park all the time and blast music and swing and chat. I forgot how much I enjoy it – it’s one of my favorite ways to feel like a kid. Also on that list? Coloring.
3.) My chiropractor almost electrocuted me? He turned on a muscle stimulation machine and it was too high from the start. I didn’t know that was possible. It was freaky. I’m always sort of afraid I’ll die or get hurt or something when he adjusts me, but I’ve never anticipated electrocution. Fun things!
4.) I’ve talked before about the Erin Condren Life Planners. And as much as I love mine (and need to get back to using it regularly), I love next year’s version even more. The horizontal layout is calling to me – and, no, I’m not being dramatic at all. 😉
5.) I’ve discovered that I really lack the motivation to cook dinner after working during the afternoon. This has led to a cereal-and-leftovers for dinner night and a let’s-order-pizza night. But last night! I cooked!
I made Kristin’s caprese stuffed chicken and it was delicious – packed with fresh veggies and perfectly cheesy. On the side, I sautéed some green beans and tomatoes in butter with pepper and basil. And I remembered how much I love cooking. Yay!
6.) I can’t go to the grocery store without picking up a few extra things. I’m a great impulse-buyer. The one time recently I didn’t make any impulse purchases was last night when I was gathering up ingredients for dinner. I was proud. And then I realized I forgot something actually on my list: broccoli to serve as the veggie side. Fortunately, we did have some frozen green beans and they turned out quite nicely. Someday, maybe I’ll manage to avoid the impulse buys and get everything I mean to get. It’s good to have goals. 🙂
I think I’ll wrap it up there. Have a lovely Thursday, everyone!
What’s your too-lazy-to-cook-dinner dinner?
Do you shop with a grocery list or just pick out what looks good?
Anything else I should know?
I can’t remember the last time I went to the grocery store without a list. I don’t think I would even know where to begin. When I get home from work the last thing I want to do is cook or at least keep it to a minimum. That’s where weekly meal planning and prep come in.
Have a fabulous Thursday Ellen!
I do always go with a list… just sometimes I veer off it a tad 😉 I do lots of meal-planning, too, but I need to work on the prep a bit! I’m sure it would be useful.
Thank, Jill! I hope you had a lovely day 😀
I just ordered my Life Planner on Monday! And I got the horizontal layout 🙂
I hope you love it! Ordering mine this weekend 🙂
It’s always hard to get everything right at the grocery store! 🙂
Pippa is adorable!
Thanks, Julie! I sure think she is 🙂
I use a list, and as soon as I unload and put away, I start a new list because of what I forgot or just realized was low.
Grandpa played cards at 5:00 yesterday, and I was not home from haircut; so he ate a sandwich.
I thought about an egg sandwich but with many vegetables available, I did an omelet with green peppers, spinach, green onion, tomato and cheese and a little kielbasa. YUM. Add a piece of wheat toast and some V-8.
We tend to do that, too.
That sounds yummy! I hope your hand is feeling better 🙂
That stuffed chicken looks like the perfect summer dinner! Healthy, refreshing, and most importantly.. cheesy. 😉
My too-lazy-to-cook-dinner dinner is probably a grilled cheese! Have a great holiday weekend, Ellen!
Cheese is definitely a very important component of many delicious meals 😉
Ooh it’s been a while since I’ve had grilled cheese – my dad always used to make such good ones. I may just have to make one soon. Thanks, Julia! I hope you have a fantastic weekend, too!
I also visit a chiropractor, however he only adjusts me by hand. That must have been so scary!
Whenever I am in a rut, I love whipping up any sort of egg scramble with veggies and toast.
He adjusts me by hand after using this electric stimulation machine to loosen up my muscles, but it was definitely kind of freaky 😛
I love a good egg scramble! What a perfect meal 🙂
I have been looking into the Erin Conrad planners, but I am such a cheapskate. One day! My favorite go to dinner has to be a sandwich with steam veggies and a cookie. Sounds odd, but it is delicious!
They’re definitely expensive, but they’re nice. That actually sounds like a lovely dinner to me. I know a lot of people don’t really enjoy steamed veggies, but that’s how my mom made most of our veggies when I was growing up, so I love them. And any dinner with a cookie is pretty perfect 😉
Aaaaa!! You too??? I am always That Person at the park who gets the strange looks, the that-big-girl-is-*swinging*-on-a-*swing*!!!! looks. It is so intoxicating, though, and I love it so much, I could do it forever! It’s just so freeing, and it feels like you’re flying, so how could it get much better?? Also, I am one of those coloring big kids too…with crayons = the best. 🙂
Okay, weird, I’ve seen that recipe of Kristin’s and thought it looked so good! Yum! Doubly recommended…
We shop with a grocery list, otherwise, I would probably be making multiple trips to the store *every day*, haha! The weekly shopping list is my responsibility, so if “we” forget something, it’s usually my fault. 😉 😐 Usually if I forget something vital, or if we all feel blah and not up to making anything, it’d just be chicken and make-your-own salad.
Random thoughts (even though it’s Friday 😛 )…
1) I realized I sort of have a unreasoning creepy aversion to school buildings. I mean, I’ve never attended public school in my life, so you’d think that it would be a non-issue for me. But anything I’ve ever done in a school building, from meetings to extracurricular community activities, has been a negative experience, so maybe that’s why. It just creeps me out, and I’ll do whatever I can to avoid it.
2) Funny how a frustrating experience can give you new appreciation for everyday things that usually get on your nerves. I recently experienced this while trying to dog-sit a foster puppy for my sister, who fosters for our local Humane Society. Before then, I thought it was kind of a lot to take care of all three of our dogs. But after one hour as sole caretaker for this dog, who is extremely pushy and has boundless energy, I was exhausted and annoyed and it made our dogs look like perfect angels and the absolute easiest to care for!
3) I’m not usually the amusement park type, but I don’t know, maybe its all this summer sun + other people talking about their summer plans + upcoming holiday…but I am really wishing we could go to an amusement park. Of course, there’s all sorts of practical reasons that I could rally against myself, the heat, the money, the crowds, the lines, etc., why amusement parks aren’t worth it, but having only been once in my life, the downsides kind of pale in comparison with my memory of how fun it was! 😉
I love kids activities. I’m never growing up all they way 🙂
I’ve definitely had to make multiple grocery trips in a day when I get lazy/careless with the lists. Oops.
1.) Interesting. I guess I’ve grown up being in schools both during and after hours, so I don’t fully have that… though deserted schools are honestly pretty creepy.
2.) I’ve never cared for a puppy since we rescued Pippa (my dog) when she was about two, but high-energy dogs can be quite a handful, so I can only imagine caring for one in crazy puppy phase. Props to you for doing it!
3.) Amusement parks are a ton of fun, but I can only do them every so often. The crowds totally get me. 😛