1.) Remember how beautiful the weather was last week? Remember how I always have pretty pictures of campus? Ha. Not this week. It’s been chilly and foggy and whitish-gray all week. Blech.
2.) My evenings have been getting later and later this week because I either stay up chatting with friends or have meetings to attend. My mornings? Yeah, I’m still awake by 5:30 every day. Hoping for a little extra rest next week to compensate.
3.) My cousins are on spring break this week, and they came to visit Chicago (with my mom and aunt), so I hung out with them for a couple of hours yesterday. I showed them my dorm room and we went to Potbelly for lunch. I ❤️ sandwiches. And them.
{Photo from my mom}
They informed me that they played this game in the car and it made my heart smile.
4.) Sometimes doctor’s appointments really bother me. I’ll probably actually get into this a little more in the future, but for now it’s enough that you know.
5.) I am so, so very grateful for the many people in my life with whom I work through our problems and problem sets. Talking through and (nicely) arguing about story problems and hypotheticals and best ways to do things is so much better than mulling them over on your own.
6.) I was so busy this week that I didn’t do laundry when I usually do and then actually needed to because I was out of socks. I felt so not on top of things. Don’t worry, though, I made time. 😉
7.) I was writing my thank-you notes for my birthday gifts, when I realized I know approximately 3 of my family members’ addresses. I think as soon as I asked my mom for people’s addresses, she ordered me one of these. You know I’m excited for it to get here.
A common theme in my life is stabbing myself in the eye with a mascara wand right before I need to leave #amiagrownupyet
— Ellen Slater (@EllenSlater) April 8, 2015
Please tell me this isn’t just me? It’s happened twice in the last week. Ugh.
9.) All in all, busy as it’s been, I would like to make it very clear that I actually do love my life.
What’s on your favorite sandwich?
Do you like to talk through problems or just think? If you ever want someone to listen, send me an email!
What makes you feel on top of things?
Any other thoughts?
I ran out of socks and sports bras a few weeks ago and I was so mad at myself! That stuff never happens haha. I feel on top of things when I food prep. I like to talk through my problems, particularly with my best friend or mom. Writing helps, too!
Food prep definitely helps me feel on my game, too! And YES to writing things down. And moms + best friends. They know what you need <3
I feel like the only time I do laundry is when I’m on the verge of running out of clean socks or underwear… anything else and I can make it work. But I feel ya on the doctor… Even if it’s something as simply as a yearly checkup, I always go in there with a tonne of anxiety. Hope everything is okay!
Haha socks and underwear are definitely necessities (but also fairly easy to replace when feeling lazy 😉 ). Yep, everything is generally fine, just some frustration. Thanks!
I hope everything is okay medically and health wise for you girl! I will be sending good thoughts your way. As for laundry, I am procrastinating too! So much so, that I kind of just want to go buy a new pair of socks. But I know that is not the right thing. 😉 Being an adult is difficult… i kid.
Favorite sandwich: It’s a tossup between the classic peanut butter and jelly or a grilled cheese!
Thanks, Julia 🙂
Haha I’ve been thinking that being an adult actually is kinda tough lately. But I’m learning 😀
Ooooh I haven’t had either of those classics in wayyyy too long. I’ll have to change that!
Oh my, your cousins are adorable!! What fun that they came for a visit!
I think I feel most on top of things when I’ve finished everything I can think of on my to-do list…to-do lists never end, but when I can’t think of anything I haven’t already done, I want to do a little victory dance. 😉
I am so sorry about your doctor’s appointment frustrations. I hope you’re doing okay…
I like to think through things in my head first, and then talk about it…then think some more about what the other people said. Sometimes this gets to the point where I just go over the same thing over and over in my head. 😐
I’m pretty much obsessed with any sandwich…put it between bread and it’s almost always bound to sound good to me. 😉 Sandwich shops are my fav! Right now, I can stop thinking about this yummy gyro (I don’t think that would really be considered a sandwich, but I’m not exactly sure what category it would fit into, and it’s a hey-you-almost-a-sandwich…as good as, at any rate, IMO) I had at the Portland Farmer’s Market when we were visiting my cousins. It was sooo good, and my family’s getting sick of my talking about it! 😛
1) We stole your sun…and it’s beautiful…thank you. 😉
2) Recently, everytime I have chocolate in the evening, I can’t get to sleep (weird, huh?). Last night, I had chocolate and it wasn’t too bad, so now I’m like, BRING ON ALL THE CHOCOLATE, lol!!!
3) I have shopping fever bad…especially clothes shopping, which I love. It just sounds like the best idea ever and I so want to make time for it! My kind of fun afternoon off. 😛
Haha I want that “finished everything” feeling! It’s been way too long. I’m SUCH an overthinker (my process sounds a lot like yours) and it’s driving me crazy riiiiight about now. Too much on the brain 😉 Sandwiches are fabulous, and I’ve never had a gyro! I should try one 😀
1.) I thiiiink it’s coming back this weekend. I hope. It poured rain all day today, so hopefully some sun shall follow.
2.) Always bring on all the chocolate (or that’s how I operate 😉 ).
3.) Ugh I’ve spent a little more than I’d like on clothes, etc. but they’re so cute and I want them all! I feel ya!
I hope everything is okay for you health wise right now! I completely understand the dislike of doctors’ visits in general. I went to Potbelly’s for the first time this summer when I was in Chicago and it was so good!
I always feel on top of things when I’m ahead on schoolwork (or just life in general), but that happens a lot less often than I’d like!
I’m alright, thanks 🙂
And I’m totally feeling that way right now. I’d like to be a little ahead and instead I feel like I’m scrambling sometimes to finish things up. Hopefully that changes soon! Good luck with all your work!
I know what you mean about doctor’s appointments…although I mostly feel that way about the dentist. I hope it’s nothing serious!
I dunno about the sandwich… I love cheese. Yup. I guess probably anything with melted (spell-check is telling me “melty” is not a word…) cheese would probably be a win here. But I love all kinds of sandwiches!
I’m a thinker in general, but I will talk things through with the “readers” of my journal a lot of times. That’s when I am not talking things through with my sisters and/or my mom. Or my younger brother, ’cause he’s awesome that way. =P
I feel on top of things when I get a lot of things done that have been on my mental to-do list, especially if it’s a lot of little things.
General ramblings:
1. I love sun. And spring. And April. <3
2. Am I the only one whose favorite month of the year is my birthday month? I can't figure out which came first. My birthday isn't really a big deal for me anymore, but I still LOVE April. And spring…see above. Is it because I've associated good things with April when I was little, or would I have loved it and spring as much if I had been born in November? It's a mystery that plagues me every year.
3. I am reminded how ridiculous one sounds when you sing (or talk for that matter) with a cold…but I do it anyway.
4. I am also reminded that although I feel perfectly capable, half of my brains are non-functional right now due to said cold. The evidence? I can't remember them all, but almost forgetting ice in my smoothie, sloshing water down my front when drinking from my water bottle, and drying my hands on the towel and then sticking the towel under the water are the ones that stick out in my foggy brain. I am also weirder. Beware.
5. Did I mention how much I love the smells and sounds of spring? I wish I could send you a picture with all the smell and sounds attached. Mmm…heavenly! (We are supposed to get rain over the weekend, so I'm soaking it up!)
Hope your next week goes nice and smoothly, and is more "normal"! 🙂 And hopefully more sleep will be involved, too!
Cheesy sandwiches (and cheesy everythings) are awesome!
Spring is lovely! Happy birthday month 😀 Aw I hope you feel better soon! My roommate is sick right now, and I totally understand that it just throws you off your game. Haha we got rain like crazy today, so I’m hoping for some sun soon. Thanks 🙂
Yeah, I don’t love going to the doctor either, but I usually find that if I worry about it, my worry is usually not worth it. So don’t worry. 🙂 Smile. And pray it all goes well.
Favorite sandwich is most definitely peanut butter, honey, and banana. It was my favorite as a little kid, and it still is my fave.
I like to sometimes talk through things, but I usually go to writing it down first, because i communicate my thoughts best by writing.
Thanks, Emily 🙂
Yes to allllll things peanut butter. Peanut butter + banana sandwiches are amazing.
I definitely think writing helps! It lets you get your thoughts out, but slowly and clearly.
Hoping the best for you as far as the doctor appointments go. I have never EVER felt comfortable going to the doctor’s offices. Of any sort. Well, actually, the only one I do enjoy going to is my gynecologist (weirdly enough?) because she’s the sweetest, most kind, most caring person I’ve ever met in the medical field personally. Either way, I am sending good vibes and thoughts your way!
Thanks so much! Having a doctor you feel comfortable with definitely helps. Have a great weekend 🙂
I dread going to the doctor… yet I strive to be one some day. Hmm.. anyway, I hope everything is alright with you! As for laundry, I actually don’t dread doing it! I do it at least once a week. As a matter of fact, I’m doing it now! 🙂
Aw it’s super cool you want to be a doctor! Maybe you can be one people like going to 🙂
I actually do like laundry (I like a lot of little chores like that?)… I was just short on time :/