1.) After a couple seriously late nights last weekend, my mom and I finished the cereal box puzzle.
Aaaand it was missing 2 pieces. Boo. But we still did it, and it was so fun to take a break from relaxing in front of screens to put it together. I think we’re doing a candy one next.
2.) I got to hang out with my dad’s family last weekend to celebrate Father’s Day, and it was nice to see them for the first time in about three months. We chatted, watched a lot of golf, played cards, and took a few walks in the woods with Pippa. The best. ❤️
3.) On those walks, my dad and I learned a lot about cicadas. There were so many cicadas around my grandparents’ place, and my dad mentioned something about a 17-year phenomenon. I was so doubtful that a bug could live for 17 years, but they can. There are even maps that show when and where they’ll emerge. Crazy and so interesting.
4.) There was a half marathon on the trail across the street from my house on Sunday.
{Snapchat: elleneveryday}
It was so well-publicized that I only heard about it the day before, and even the morning of, the only signs advertising it were on the trail itself. That’s odd, right?
5.) Since college started, I’ve had a hard time caring much about TV shows. Whatever I watch is usually something that I can just turn on in the background and not pay much attention to. An exception? Orange is the New Black. We’re about 5 episodes into the new season, and I love it. I’ve like previous seasons better, but I still really like this one.
6.) My internship has given me the opportunity to refamiliarize myself with InDesign, and even teach myself some Photoshop, which I resisted a lot in high school. I love them both now. I’m not a graphic design genius by any means, but I’m learning some stuff. 🙂
7.) My work schedule is fairly flexible, as long as I work about the right number of hours each week. If I ride to and from downtown with my dad, I end up working about 8 to 6 from Monday through Thursday, which gives me Fridays mostly off and I save parking money. Win-win. 🙂
What’s your favorite TV show?
Anything else I should know? What’s new with you?
Id say wait until you become a parent? 🙂
I cared NOT about tv through college and grad school—I had too much else to do and see and try and and and…
but now? AT DAYS END?? Mama wiped 🙂 and loves her some bravo.
Hahaha I trust that. Right now, I’m go-go-go so much of the time, but I can appreciate wanting to just crash at the end of a day. TV is excellent for that 🙂
Have you watched An Idiot Abroad? If not, do it. You will love it because… you just will.
Adding it to my list! 😀
You didn’t take a photo of the finished puzzle!!! I’m crying!!!
I can’t watch TV shows anymore…I have no patience. I force myself to watch Walking Dead (online the day after it shows), but it feels good not to have that “responsibility” of keeping up with a show during the off seasons.
I did watch all of Orange is the new black last summer so I should start this new season…and by watch I mean having it play in another window on my laptop while I’m doing other things 😛
Ahh I’m so sorry! I just added the finished pic!
I’m ALWAYS doing something else when I do watch TV, so I totally understand that.
It’s beautiful! <3
WAIT. So funny (ish?) story. I live in NJ and depending on where you live if it’s a cicada year it’s basically an infestation. When I worked for a non profit, we happened to plan a mud run in the woods on a cicada year. THEY WERE EVERYWHERE. It was horrifying to someone who does.not.do.bugs. And one got stuck in my hair and I ran around screaming and flapping my arms and there is a lost video of it somewhere because my coworkers suck. Anyway, since then I have moved and now live in the woods and saying I’m TERRIFIED for a cicada year is a giant understatement. God help me.
Hahaha the woods definitely felt “infested”. And I don’t do bugs either. Even if they’re harmless, cicadas are mean! They totally divebomb you 😛 And I’ve gotta see this video – that’s priceless!
Whoa! That puzzle is SO cool!!!! And favorite TV show is hard. I currently make our DVR record all the How I Met Your Mother episodes because I’m obsessed with that and Friends. I’m still in the Pretty Little Liars cult..lol..but I also started that new Guilt show on Freeform.
I still love watching reruns of Friends! Forever one of my favorites. 🙂
I LOVE doing puzzles during the summer, especially with my grandma at our beach house. So rewarding to finish one!
And what’s your internship?? I do a ton of InDesign/Photoshop at my job. There’s always new things to learn with it 🙂
Awww doing those puzzles with your grandma is such a great tradition – and makes great future memories 🙂
Hahaha I wish I had a good description for what I was doing, to be honest. I’m working in an IT department but I’m working with a marketing and communications guy there, so I’ve been updating a some documents and forms and helping to create Powerpoint presentations. It’s a pretty undefined role, so I’m just doing whatever I can. 🙂
Love that puzzle! A few summers ago we had a big one going (I think it was candy bar themed) and it’s fun to work on it as a family. I love Photoshop and InDesign, but more so InDesign. I’ve been using them since high school (first with yearbook and then for class projects) so I kept up my subscription. I still play around with it for blog purposes, although I could always improve!
OMG I think we’re going to get a candy bar one, but first we have cake pops 🙂 And I love InDesign enough that I’ll probably go ahead and pay for my own subscription when I turn in my work laptop.
Seventeen years?! That’s crazy! And it’s so cool that you’re learning how to use InDesign and Photoshop. What are you doing for your internship?
I hardly ever watch TV, but I am a diehard “Sherlock” fan! I also used to really like “Downton Abbey” until they killed off all of my favorite characters, haha.
I have a small background in InDesign from editing my high school newspaper, but with this I’m mostly teaching myself, so that’s interesting. Hahaha I wish I had a good description for what I was doing, to be honest. I’m working in an IT department but I’m working with a marketing and communications guy there, so I’ve been updating and creating documents and forms and helping to create Powerpoint presentations. It’s a pretty undefined role, so I’m just doing whatever I can. 🙂
Ahh I haven’t watched Sherlock in forever, but I did used to love it! Same with Downton.
That’s pretty neat that you’ve gotten to learn more about In Design. I always think any design/editing software would have my brain twisted into knots. And I know the feeling of missing pieces for a puzzle. At least you finished it, right? :)))
Design software is so cool, but it’s certainly not the most intuitive. It’s really rewarding when you finally get something, though! And yes, finishing the puzzle was a success in itself 🙂
Two of my favorite TV shows right now are “How I Met Your Mother” and “The Fosters.” They’re both really different, but really good. One’s a comedy and one’s a drama. But, they’re both on Netflix 😀
Edye | http://gracefulcoffee.wordpress.com
Netflix is the best, isn’t it? Have a great weekend, Edye!
Aw no I hate not being able to finish a puzzle! I love that one though. I’m the same with TV, I haven’t watched a single thing since the start of semester. One of my flatmates had Grey’s Anatomy on in our living room the other day so I started watching that again with her and now I’m sucked in again!
I loved Grey’s! My mom and I binge-watched so much of it the summer after my junior year of high school.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO to the missing pieces. That happened to us with a puzzle we did recently that we bought second hand… but the worst part was? The two pieces weren’t actually missing at all and had somehow slipped under the table cloth – so we found it the next day after we’d completely disassembled it and then I “had” to redo it just to get the satisfaction of finishing it, hahaha!
We’re currently binge watching Prison Break and loving it – but we’ve binge watched so many shows that I feel like I’m always advising my friends on what to watch based on their binge watching ability haha 😛
Hahaha I almost hope those pieces don’t reappear because then I might have to redo it 😛