1.) I mentioned my EDS post already, but I just want to take a moment to thank you all for your support on both of them. It will never be what I write about all the time, but it’s a part of my life and I’m grateful that you let me share that life with you.
2.) You already know this, but my parents visited over the weekend. I spent Friday and a decent chunk of Saturday writing my last midterm of the year, but we still hung out and ate plenty of delicious food. We grabbed Chipotle and ice cream on Friday night, because it’s nearby and delicious.
This pizza was dinner on Saturday night… and it was followed by another round of ice cream.
On Sunday morning, we went to Beatrix for Mother’s Day breakfast.
{Sorry about the lighting}
I went a little outside my usual breakfast order and got fried eggs on top of grits, served with roasted cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. It was really delicious, though I would definitely try other things if (when?) I go back. I honestly wanted to order about six things off the menu. My mom’s lemon pancakes were also excellent, and my dad’s bacon was freaking delicious. I’m one of those people who occasionally dunks my salty bacon into the remnants of the maple syrup from my pancakes, and brown sugar bacon tastes just like that. Genius.
3.) I’ve been treasurer for my house this year, which isn’t a huge deal and basically means I make sure we have enough money to plan house events and give out small subsidies to encourage people to explore the city. I wasn’t going to run to do it again next year, but I decided to at the last minute on Sunday. To encourage people to vote for me (and because I had a box of cake mix sitting around), I made a cake. My only opponent was intimidated by my last-minute cake and offered to do the least desirable parts of the job if I’d share the role. I, of course, agreed. My 30-minute cake paid off, and most of my peers thought I made it from scratch. 😉
4.) I said this in passing on Tuesday, but I got to see Jon Stewart on Monday! It’s not that I’m a particularly huge fan or anything, but it’s always cool to have opportunities to see famous people on campus.
I’m going to spare you my terribly blurry pictures and just share this video from the college, in case you’re interested.
He was recording a podcast with David Axelrod, who founded our Institute of Politics. The Axe Files is Axelrod’s podcast, and this was the first “live audience” recording of it.
5.) After the most beautiful weekend, this has been a week of fog and rain. I know it’s spring and that’s what it does, but it’s kind of gross. It was so foggy when I woke up yesterday that I could tell it was foggy without my glasses on… which basically means you couldn’t see any color outside, because color is just about all I can see without my glasses.
{So I could definitely see this salad without my glasses}
6.) Actually, my only real complaint about the weather is that the humidity makes my hair do all sort of funny things. Random curls and flips and frizz overtake my head and there’s nothing I can do. Any hair geniuses out there have tips?
7.) Next week, I get to bid for classes for the fall. I’ve already started looking at my options because I’m a total planning-nerd. It’s so crazy (awesome) to think that I’ll be done with the core econ classes in about four weeks!
Aaand I think we’re all caught up. Have a lovely Thursday!
How’s your eyesight?
Anything else I should know? Anything else you want to know?
I used to love planning out my classes. Also hated it because gaarrr if you couldn’t get into them (we’ve discussed this). I think I would tackle hug Jon Stewart if I saw him. And then make him run for president. We’d all vote for him!
LOL I’ve become very well-versed in the art of showing up to a (full) class on the first few days of lecture and begging to be admitted ?
When I was in elementary school I was told I needed glasses. Then a year later I went for a checkup and didn’t need them. So now I think it’s all a ruse 😛
I really could go for some grits right now! I think they are an undervalued breakfast food.
Haha well I’m jealous of your eyesight then ?
Box cake to the rescue, man! I love tricking people. Also, as a frizzed out, curly girl I HIGHLY recommend the entire John Freida Frizz Ease line. I use the serum on my ends and the top of my hair (if that makes sense?) and it’s been life changing.
Ahhh thank you! I’ll have to give that a try!
Scheduling classes is the bane of my existence 😛
That pizza <3
It’s no easy feat, that’s for sure ?
And always yes to pizza!
Wow, you’re the treasurer for your house? It takes a gift to do that. I don’t have that gift, that’s for sure. Also, I love that you were still able to spend time with your parents along with your school work. :)) And thank you again for your post earlier this week. I know it took a lot to open up. <3
Thanks so much, Emily! You’re incredibly kind ❤️
I’m so curious- what does bidding for classes mean?
I imagine it’s pretty similar to how other schools schedule, but let’s see! 🙂 So, on Monday morning of the 7th week of the quarter, we get to see what classes will be offered next quarter, what times they’re offered and, occasionally, who’s teaching them. Basically, you can start planning your ideal schedule. Then, from 9am on Monday of the 8th week of the quarter to 5pm on Friday of 8th week, we can rank up to 6 classes we want to take next quarter (3 or 4 is a full load, though). Over the next few weeks, the registrar’s office uses all that information to somehow craft student schedules. We usually see what we end up with sometime in the last week of the quarter or finals week. Since the vast majority of classes have a pretty strict size limit, you generally don’t get everything you asked for (and sometimes not even enough to make a full schedule…), so then you have to start thinking about back-up options and consent forms (to increase the size limits). The planning is fun. The “not getting your classes” is not so fun. 🙂
That dish looks amazing! And props to you for being treasurer. I can barely make my own balance sheet come out right 😉
Haha thanks, Alyssa. That reminds me… I should make a trip to the bank and make sure our numbers match up ?
Even colour is a little crazy for me without my glasses because everything just blends together 😆 My eyesight is pretty bad, though. -5.25 in one eye and -4.50 in the other. I keep thinking about getting Lasik, but… eep.
Eeek we’re just about the same prescription. So bad! And I kiiind of want Lasik, but it scares me, too!
I HATE choosing classes…so stressful. But I just signed up for the last classes of my undergraduate college career, so that’s crazy!
I like choosing them, but I don’t always like that I don’t get the ones I want 😛 Oh my goodness, CONGRATS! That’s so exciting!
when I was a littler girl I wanted glasses so bad…what was I thinking?! I used to wear fake glasses, now I’m literally blind! Ugh karma! hahah
That was me with glasses and braces! Aaaand I got both. Fortunately, the braces were temporary 😉
I have glasses on a “needs basis” meaning I only have to wear them if I need them (which usually means when I’m working all day long on the computer) but when I take them off? For a little while I’m pretty much blind as a bat, hahaha. Or I think I have really awesome eyesight and I’m all “psh, glasses” and then I put them on and I’m like “holy cow, I really can’t see that well” 😛
Hahaha I’ve had the experience of thinking I can see and then realizing I can’t… but mine is when I’m wearing contacts and then I get an updated prescription. It’s like, “Oh! The trees have leaves! They are not, in fact, green blurs. I forgot.”
That story about the cake totally made me smile… Yay for boxed cake mix! And rainy days will just make the sunny days so much prettier because of all the green!!! I do wear glasses, and my prescription is about -1.5 and -0.75? Being a treasurer for your house? Eekk! That sounds scary. I’m totally not good at details.
I love your positivity about all the green that follows the rain! Such a great way to look at it!