Hahahaha. Can’t believe I thought I’d write about pregnancy even every two weeks right now. Honestly, I have been a little stunned every time I get an appointment notification from my doctor: “It’s already been four – or now two – weeks since I was last in? Crazy!”
The last 10 weeks have been full, and as often as I think about the fact that I’m pregnant and I should definitely write about it, I just end up using my limited free time for something else. But I’ll want a record of some of this time, so here we are now putting 10 weeks into one post.
But my pregnancy has been mercifully easy and boring, so there wouldn’t have been much to say anyway.
Previous Updates
I’m Pregnant Again! + The First Trimester
Pregnancy #2: 15 + 16 Weeks Pregnant
Pregnancy #2: 17 + 18 Weeks Pregnant
Pregnancy #2: 19-23 Weeks Pregnant
At 34 weeks pregnant, baby boy was supposedly the length of a cantaloupe. I believe it. I do, in fact, feel like I’m lugging around a cantaloupe in the end-of-summer heat.
I’m extremely hungry when I’m up at night (which I am a lot – C’s sleep has been a mess). I’ve started keeping a snack on my bedside table, much like I did in early breastfeeding with C. I’m also just hungry a lot of the time now. The limiting factor is stomach space, not actual satisfaction of energy needs.
Constipation is a thing, but it’s definitely more because baby boy is taking up space than because of the hormonal shifts like it is in earlier pregnancy. In the last month I’ve been able to ditch Oxy-Powder and switch back to senna.
I very frequently have something in my hand and go to set it down and it just flies out of my hand. Major pregnancy clumsiness.
Sciatica is the worst, and I’m now thoroughly convinced that it’s just due to baby boy’s position vs. any particular weakness in my hips and glutes. It’ll flare horribly for a weekend and then he’ll move a bit and it’s completely gone for a few days.
I’m sleeping like crap, and I’m exhausted. I sleep well till C wakes up. But when she wakes up, I wake up hard and it feels like an enormous adrenaline rush it takes me hours to come down from. I remember getting pregnancy insomnia in the third trimester with her, and let me tell you, it doesn’t go nicely with a wakeful toddler.
It would be fair to say I’m kind of moody now. Part of it is tiredness, and part of it is being kind of done with being pregnant and not feeling like myself.
Two weeks ago is the first time someone I haven’t explicitly told I’m pregnant asked me about it, and that was the same week about three different people said I popped. I’m up about 21 pounds from my usual weight, and I definitely / finally look pregnant now. I’m tired of my limited wardrobe and also don’t feel like it’s worth it to buy more things to wear for the next six-ish weeks.
My diet has been boringly normal. Like when I was pregnant with C, I haven’t had any serious aversions, and I’m grateful for that. I kind of crave fruit and generally, junk food of all sorts sounds better than when I’m not pregnant.
I’m combining the second phases of these two exercise programs now. I lifted heavier with low reps until my core couldn’t handle it anymore / it didn’t sound fun, which was in the middle of my 32nd week, and I’ll stick to higher reps and lower weights for the rest of my pregnancy. I do a day or two of mobility work also, usually on mornings after I sleep especially badly. And I usually do 1-2 Peloton rides a week.
I’ve been taking Willis and C on walks, too, and also just generally chasing C around and taking care of house- and yard-work. I stay very active.
When we talk about the baby in my belly, C looks like she registers it, but is skeptical.
Little boy is very, very active, a lot like his big sister.
I’ve made a good amount of progress on our freezer stash of food this week, adding a couple breakfast casseroles, a lot of shredded pork, a baked pasta dish, and some pie crusts to the deep freezer.
It’s weird to think that I’m almost at the point in this pregnancy when I started having prodromal labor last time, and I wonder whether that will happen again.
I need to actually buy the last few baby things we’re planning on getting. On the list:
- BabyBjorn carrier. I really liked our Colugo carrier a lot, but as C got bigger, I realized it just doesn’t tighten enough around my waist to support a bigger baby.
- Second seat kit for our stroller.
- A few more bottles