Well, hi! Today, I’m actually 19 weeks pregnant, but we’ve had a busy few weeks and I didn’t finish this till I was pumping this morning. My little 12-hours-at-night and 2-plus-hours-at-nap sleeper has been doing more like 8-10 hours at night and 1-2 hours at nap for the last week and had some tricky nights. She’s tired, and I’m tired, but we’re all happy.

During naps, my mom and I have slowly but surely been working on fixing C’s new room up for her. We’ll probably try to move her in the next month or so.
And we’ve been spending a ton of time outside. The weather has mostly been gorgeous and C has been loving trips to the woods (I think I got poison ivy yesterday) to watch the creek, the playground, walks with Willis, and helping me weed / throwing dirt and rocks into our yard waste bin.

Previous Updates
I’m Pregnant Again! + The First Trimester
Pregnancy #2: 15 + 16 Weeks Pregnant
At 18 weeks pregnant, baby boy is supposedly the length of a mango.
My morning sickness is gone. I occasionally get nauseated at night, usually if I’m feeling particularly full. The smell of coffee grounds still makes me feel sick.
Constipation is still very much a thing. I decided aloe water isn’t magic and needed something else. No one talks about pregnancy constipation, which… fair, but Juli did and while Oxy-Powder is way more expensive than senna and aloe water, it’s actually helped me here. So, hopefully I don’t need it for the rest of the pregnancy, but if I do, at least it works.
My milk supply feels nonexistent. This is partly due to C almost totally weaning, but part of it might be my milk switching to colostrum for the new baby. For the last few weeks, I’ve been pumping about half an ounce in a half hour.
I very frequently have something in my hand and go to set it down and it just flies out of my hand. Major pregnancy clumsiness.
Sciatica is back, for sure. I often have to readjust when I’m sitting or bending over because it flares up so suddenly, but there’s a constant twinge in my hip.
I’m sleeping hard and mostly well when C sleeps well. And it’s much harder for me when she doesn’t.
I’ve developed a little bump for sure. I have like one pair of stretchy jeans that works and two pairs of denim shorts. I know I mostly look like I ate a little too much, but I know it’s a bump. I’m about five or six pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight, which, looking back, is almost exactly where I was at this point in my pregnancy with C.

My diet has been boringly normal, honestly. Like when I was pregnant with C, I haven’t had any serious aversions, and I’m grateful for that. And I haven’t had any real cravings for a few weeks. I want all of the fruit, though. Which is good, because even though I’m not really nauseated anymore, I’m still having a hard time with water. It always sounds awful, and even when I’m super thirsty, I only want to take tiny sips. But fruit helps with hydration, too.
I just finished this exercise program. It’s one of my favorites, and I’ve been modifying it a little to suit my pregnancy and time limitations. I might just restart it, honestly, and see how far it takes me. And then I usually do 1-2 Peloton rides a week and throw in a Peloton barre or yoga or strength class, depending on how I’m feeling.
I’ve been taking Willis and C on walks, too, and also just generally chasing C around and taking care of house- and yard-work.
I don’t think I have any this time… have a good week!