Add on working my way (with lovely help) through some calc proofs, and I haven’t had tons of spare time. This week should be better, though, and I plan to be writing and taking pictures more. Pictures once the rain dies down a little, that is. Anyway, I thought I’d do today’s post a lot like my last one. Without further ado, another busy Tuesday:
5:45 am
I wake up naturally, and it’s raining. But it’s too early to do much, the dining hall doesn’t open for another hour, and I’m going to be sitting in class all day, so I get up and change and jog to the gym by 6:09.
6:46 am
Leave the gym. I have plenty of time this morning, so I just decide to take a leisurely walk back to my dorm. Also, my legs are tired.
6:59 am
Get back to the dorm, gather my stuff, and hit the shower by 7:07. Take a longer-than-normal shower because… I can. When you’re up pretty early around here, there’s not much competition for bathroom space.
7:32 am
Head back to my room and do my hair and makeup alongside my roommate. We complain about the fact that it’s raining but warm (it’s really not easy weather to dress for) before realizing soon “warm” will not be used to describe our adopted home for several months very soon. We stop complaining.
8:09 am
Go to breakfast, but the selection is super small. Sometimes this happens early (8:00 am is still early for most people, apparently) and late at mealtimes. I eat some fruit with my housemates and go back up to my room and eat my last Pumpkin Spice Chobani, cereal, and nuts while scrolling through social media.
8:39 am
Leave the dorm after going back to my room for a raincoat. I brought an umbrella, but extra protection seems smart.
{Rain ready}
8:47 am
Get irrationally annoyed with the two people with umbrellas walking slowly in front of me. The building I’m heading toward is seriously 30 feet away, but they’re not. walking. fast. enough.
8:50 am
Get to my classroom, get situated, fill my water bottle. Eat a Quest bar. Chat with fellow students of philosophy and such.
9:00 am
Class starts. Today, we discuss some misconceptions about Sophocles’s Oedipus and talk about Plato’s Apology. Draw a lot of parallels between Oedipus and Socrates.
10:22 am
Class ends a little late. Walk with friend toward the science buildings. He’s headed for bio, and I’m going to calc… in the physics building.
10:27 am
Refill water bottle and prepare for an hour and twenty minutes of epsilon-n proofs.
{Kind of like these}
10:30 am
Calc starts. Turns out, the entire class isn’t about epsilon-n. Still, a lot of proofs.
11:55 am
Calc ends a little late. I chat super briefly with another girl about our confusion with, well, most things related to the class we just finished. We commiserate, and then I dash off to the weekly Megan McArdle session at the Institute of Politics.
12:04 pm
Arrive at the IoP session a little late. The catered lunch is gone. There’s Diet Coke, which I’m grateful for. Also, I’m super happy to have stashed my last packet of Krave in my bookbag. Today, Megan talks about the Congressional Budget Office and how policies are priced out and how policymakers game the CBO’s scoring system.
1:03 pm
Duck out of the very end of the seminar so I have some time to walk around and stretch before econ starts. Also, it’s conveniently stopped raining for the time being, so I sit outside the econ building for a minute.
1:18 pm
Eat a Luna bar. I have three hours of class ahead of me and I’m. Need. Energy.
1:30 pm
Econ starts. We’re talking about consumers and incentives. Lots of elasticity of demand and why people choose to buy what they buy. Makes sense 🙂
2:55 pm
Much needed break. I eat a pack of Perky Jerky and chat with a couple nearby students about calc and Spanish.
3:10 pm
Class reconvenes. This is actually the part where we talk about price elasticity.
4:14 pm
Econ ends a little early. Walk upstairs and outside with a friend and further discuss calc. Discover it’s raining again. Head back to our respective dorms.
4:30 pm
Get back to my room and discover my roommate is napping. Grab my laptop and hang out in the hall for a while and watch the rain. Also, just take a break. I’ve been going all day. Text my mom, chat with my dad, text a few friends, respond to some emails, start this post, and talk to a housemate for a while in the hall.
5:56 pm
Roommate informs me she’s awake now. I head back into the room and continue relaxing a little. I loosely plan out tomorrow. I have stuff to do, and kind of a whole free day to do it. I don’t feel super guilty about not accomplishing tons tonight, since I do have tomorrow. Endlessly grateful, because I’m exhausted.
6:29 pm
Head downstairs to dinner. Marvel with housemates over how fast the quarter system makes everything feel. A lot of classes have midterms this week. Not mine, but still. It doesn’t feel like we’ve had time to digest the fact that we’re actually here.
6:55 pm
Go back up to my room to write a little more and maybe work on my econ problem set. I have my Smart Woman Securities meeting at 8, so there’s not a ton of time and, eh, I’m still feeling in need of winding down. Successfully help my roommate with a calculus problem and consequently feel very accomplished.
7:43 pm
Head to SWS. Meet up with a couple girls from my house on the way and walk together.
8:03 pm
Meeting starts. Tonight, we learn the basics of the stock market from a UChicago alum.
9:08 pm
Meeting ends late. Begin the trek back to the dorm in a light drizzle. Discuss the color of the sky. It’s strangely yellow-tinted. Debate whether we should run through the massive puddles on the quad. Decide against it.
9:26 pm
{Plain yogurt, massive apple from the apple-picking trip, cashew butter}
Get back to the dorm. Most people have work to do. I plan to do mine mostly tomorrow and my eyes are reallllly tired. I debate going to fourth meal, but I’ve been a couple times and I have snacks in my room and I’m feeling lazy right now. I decompress and text a friend from home while snacking and finishing this post.
10:48 pm
Totally and completely crash in my bed. Long, good day.
How was your day? Or your yesterday? Or your week? Basically, tell me anything 🙂
I like the snippets of what you’re learning in class and love the fact that you’re taking advantage of things like the IoP and SWS to ramp up the learning even more. I had a good Tuesday also after a blah Monday. The weekend included a mildly profitable poker night and a hockey win, so you know that was good.
Hockey win + poker winnings = a pretty good weekend. Hopefully, there are more of both in the future 🙂
What were the misconceptions about Oedipus? I want to amel sure I’m teaching it right.
They’re fairly specific to some of the questions we’ve been looking at in class, but I’ll send you a message with those clarifications!
I wish I could find an apple bigger than a cup of Chobani. Love it.
My week has been… busy. I’ve been trying to fit in yoga even though my schedule barely works it in. I’ve been so tight and unflexible lately.
We went apple-picking a couple weekends ago and I may have gone overboard… still working my way through those apples, but they sure are tasty!
Hah. I get the busy. And now that you mention it, I could use some yoga, too. Hope you manage to squeeze some in! (By the way, your Hawaii pictures are STUNNING.)