The rules for this are the same as last time. Pick one of the three choices in each category to eliminate for the rest of your life. Ready… go!
- Apples, oranges, or bananas?
The loser: Oranges. This is honestly nothing against oranges – I think they’re delicious. However, I eat at least one apple and banana pretty much every day. Actually, oranges are a pain to peel, so maybe it is a little bit about that.
- Almonds, peanuts, or cashews?
The loser: Ahhh why did I do this to myself? I love them all! Ummm. Let’s pretend we’re excluding nut butters and just talking about the whole nuts themselves, okay? In that case, I think I have to go with peanuts. But I don’t have a real explanation; I’d be sad about losing any of them and I’m grateful every day that I’m not allergic.
- Rice, pasta, or bread?
The loser: Rice. Something about the texture has kind of freaked me out for a while (though the last few times I’ve had it, I’ve hated it a little less). A bunch of my friends tell me that this is just an “American rice” thing and if I’d had Indian rice or something I’d feel differently. Feel free to send me some 😉
- White, milk, or dark chocolate?
The loser: White. I like it with things, but by itself it’s way too sweet for me. I’m a dark chocolate person!
- Oatmeal, cereal, or granola?
The loser: Granola. It’s usually too sweet or crunchy to me. Also, I feel like it gets stuck in my teeth and that’s annoying. I would never want to give up cereal (pretty sure I could live on cereal), and oatmeal makes for a nice change of pace sometimes, especially when I want something warm.
- Cookie butter, Nutella, or peanut butter?
The loser: Nutella. I know. Everybody loves Nutella. I’m not that crazy about it. I do, however, love peanut butter (if you weren’t aware 😉 ) and I adore the graham-y, cinnamon-y flavor of cookie butter.
- Salsa, guacamole, or queso?
The loser: Queso. Okay, I cringed writing that. I love them all, but I feel like I’d really miss the freshness of salsa and guac.
- Corn chips, tortilla chips, or potato chips?
The loser: Corn chips. Tortilla chips with salsa and guacamole is the best. Also, they make excellent chili/soup toppers. And they’re fabulous. Potato chips… sometimes I just crave them. Corn chips? They can’t do anything tortilla chips can’t, in my opinion.
- Ketchup, mustard, or mayo?
The loser: Mayo. Does it have a flavor? Is it just a slimy substance? What am I missing here? I love the tangy flavor of mustard in pretty much anything, and ketchup is a lovely addition to French fries.
- Cookie cake, cake, or ice cream cake?
The loser: Cake. Excuse me, but how can I turn down a massive cookie or a giant pile of ice cream? That’s right – I can’t. Also, these delicacies are unimpaired by too much frosting, so their own deliciousness shines.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on some (or all) of these – do we agree? Tell me what you think!
How’s your week going?
What’s the best April Fools’ Day prank you’ve pulled/someone has pulled on you?
Oranges, but only if I can still drink OJ. If not, bye-bye apples. Ice cream cake does nothing for me. French fries are still good without ketchup, but a Chicken Philly from Charley’s without mayo? That would be a tough sell. I guess I’m giving up mayo, but I’m not happy about it.
What makes mayo your choice over ketchup, then? I feel confused… you don’t really eat ketchup, do you?
I wavered but ended up deciding that mustard usually works in place of mayo (not at Charley’s though), and ketchup is enough of an enhancement to fries to justify keeping it around. Close call. Glad this isn’t real.
Here goes…
Oranges; they tear up my mouth. I guess peanuts. I have nothing against them, but I do prefer snacking on almonds or cashews. I can live without pasta. I do like spaghetti and lasagna, but if given the choice, I prefer the other two. White chocolate…it is not even chocolate…enough said. Cookie butter and Nutella can both go. I do not understand the obsession with either product. And because I am giving up two in the butters category, I refuse to give up salsa, guac, or queso. Sorry, not happening. Who needs mayo? Or cookie cake?
The week is going well. I have worked most of it, but I am enjoying the nice weather. It has been sunny and windy.
I have never been successful with the April Fools jokes. Admittedly, I have not tried that hard. I hope you are having a good week! Hugs!!!
This was an impossible survey! Haha…But I think I agree with you on most of them. Although I’d probably “get rid” of cookie butter, only because it’s not gluten free. Justin’s chocolate hazelnut butter is my version of Nutella 🙂
I do love Justin’s chocolate hazelnut butter… so if nixing Nutella means I can’t have that, then I’d also eliminate cookie butter 🙂
Okay…this one is like 5000x times harder! If I really feel like hating myself, I made just do it for the torture 😛
I thought this was harder, too! It was a little torturous 😛
Well, since I did the last one all backwards, how about the revolutionary idea of actually doing this one according to the instructions? 😛 Sounds good… I must say, you said almost exactly what I was thinking on most of them!! 😉
Apples, oranges, or bananas: This one’s hard, though I think I’ll go with your choice of oranges. None of my favorite fruits are on there, but bananas are so yummy with one of my favorite foods, chocolate, and I have a thing for cooked apples.
Almonds, peanuts, or cashews: I am totally 100% with you in this one…too hard!! Eliminating the nut butters helps tremendously. Although I can’t imagine my life without peanut butter, I’d have to give the peanuts the axe. They taste nothing like the butter, must dry and crumbly to me, and I love almonds and cashews (especially cooking with cashews…they’re like a miracle ingredient!).
Rice, pasta, or bread: Again, with you on the rice. Although I’m not really a pasta fan either; bread’s my kind of carb! 😛
White, milk, or dark chocolate: Ewwww…can white even be called chocolate??? Sorry, I am very opinionated about my chocolate. 😛 Although I can appreciate the flavor of white chocolate in some applications, but I’d never choose it.
Oatmeal, cereal or granola: I’ll go with oatmeal. Way too boring (though I love oat flour, used in just about any application). I LOVE granola and couldn’t live without certain cereals.
Cookie butter, Nutella, or peanut butter: Definitely Nutella. I know exactly what you mean!! Everyone raves about Nutella, but it’s just kind of meh to me. Peanut butter, though I am mildly allergic, is one of my loves in life, and cookie butter is a newly-discovered delight!
Salsa, guacamole, or queso: I’d definitely eliminate queso, though maybe that’s not fair, as I’ve only had the fake, super-disgusting, never-seen-cheese type. Salsa is a must in some dishes, and guacamole? I could totally eat a bowl of it…by myself…with a spoon. I l.o.v.e. it!!!
Corn chips, tortilla chips, or potato chips: Potato, for sure. I’ve never really been a potato fan, and there is this one saucy beef and bean dish that we’ve made that just isn’t the same without corn chips (and I’m pretty sure tortilla chips instead would be an utter failure). Tortilla chips are my HANDS-DOWN favorite! But, I am picky, because to me, they’re only delicious, proper tortilla chips if they are made with all yellow corn. 😉
Ketchup, mustard, or mayo: I’m not a big ketchup person (too sweet for me), but it is rather necessary with some flavors and dishes. Mustard and me pretty much have a lifetime pact (as I’ve said before, I eat the yellow stuff on a spoon), but I hate mayo. I *totally* agree with what you said about the slimy substance!!! That’s exactly how I feel; mayo is just too slimy and greasy.
Cookie cake, cake, or ice cream cake: Haha, cake most. certainly. loses!! Cookie cake sounds delicious (I love cookies…one of my favorite desserts) and I literally used to have ice cream cake for nearly every birthday (I mean, ice cream + crumb crust + fudge sauce? How does dessert get much better???). But I have gradually discovered that cake isn’t really my thing.
This week’s SUPER busy (as I’m sure you can tell, ’cause I’m only must getting around to commenting on my fav blogs)…hoping life slows down soon? Ha. I guess one of the facts of growing up! 😛
Definitely give real-cheese queso a chance! It’s a little spicy and a lot delicious, but yeah, we agree on most everything here 😀
Ugh I’m learning alllll about growing up, and “busy” is definitely a part of it. And… like… why is it so appealing again? 😉
“Ahhh why did I do this to myself?” <- Lol, so true! I was literally thinking this right before I read it! I agreed with you on a lot of these!
Apples, oranges or bananas? What you said. I've had one orange in my life that was sweet and delicious. All the rest just don't deliver. The only kind of oranges I eat are mandarins or any of their various small relatives. BUT, I'm addicted to OJ, so if that counts, then I'd eliminate apples.
Almonds, peanuts or cashews? Exactly the same as you. As long as we exclude the nut butters. Of the nut butters, the cashew butter would probably lose, but I'd still want to use cashews for their other various kitchen uses, so that might not be fair. It's just a bit of a blank slate to me by itself.
Rice, pasta or bread. Yup, rice. Brown/wild rice is better, but so far, I haven't had anything with rice that I couldn't live without.
White, milk, or dark chocolate. White. Loses. Like you, I think it can be a good addition, but it can't count as chocolate by itself. Milk is usually to sweet for me, but I like it's creaminess. Trader Joe's Pounds Plus is THE best chocolate ever, and trust me, one person can eat a whole bar. (Not in one sitting, though!) I will eat their dark or 72% out of hand…yummy! Now THAT is chocolate, if you ask me!
Oatmeal, cereal, or granola? We part ways here. The one I am sure about is keeping my granola! I don't eat it often, but I love it! There are a couple cereals I love (I'm looking at you, Grape Nuts!), and I'm not a big oatmeal person, but I have had some very delicious oatmeal recipes. So one of those can go. Probably oatmeal, because it's harder to get it to the point where I enjoy it.
Cookie butter, Nutella, or peanut butter? Nutella would lose, I think. I used to love it (especially on graham crackers), but I think it would be too sweet for me now. I love cookie butter, but I'm choosey about the brand, because some taste better to me than others. Peanut butter is too much of a life staple. I'm not crazy about it (I'm an almond butter girl!), but I couldn't live without it!
Salsa, guacamole, or queso? Not guacamole! Growing up, I always thought avocados were gross, and guacamole sounded like some sort of alien green goo. Now avocados are sacred, and guac is heavenly! Besides that, I'm kind of neutral. I don't think I've ever had real queso, but I'm not crazy about salsa, either.
Corn chips, tortilla chips, or potato chips? I agree with you in principle, but I also just love corn chips! They are different, and I probably could live without them, but I wouldn't want to! I want to keep them all! But if I HAD to give one up, it'd be corn chips.
Ketchup, mustard or mayo? I don't eat much ketchup, so I'm inclined that way, but there is nothing quite like it on meatloaf. I could probably live without mayo, but I like the texture and mild flavor it adds to egg salad. So I guess it's a toss up. (I may change my mind after trying homemade mayo, but that has yet to be done!)
Cookie cake, cake, or ice cream cake? Cake. I love cookies, so a big cookie = better, IMO. And ice cream cake used to be a staple birthday cake for me, so that I used to think not, "What kind of cake will I have?", but, "What ice cream will I have in my cake?". Over time, I've realized that while cakes are ok, I mostly eat them for their frosting or chocolate chips. =D
My week has been filled with post-vacation catch-up. But the vacation, though short, was well worth it! I'm finally looking forward to this weekend! (Doubly, because we are celebrating my brother's birthday!)
Oooh I love almond butter, too. All the nut butters are my friends 😉 Also, 100% appreciate your focus on ice cream – it’s like the king of all desserts 😀
Glad you enjoyed vacation, and happy birthday to your brother!
This is such a fun questionaire 🙂 Just found your blog! Where do you go to college?
Thanks!! I go to the University of Chicago! (I really love it here 🙂 )
oh wow! I was born in Illinois haha. thats awesome. whats your major?
I’m planning on economics! Taking my first major class now, so I’ll see if I like it 🙂