On Thursday morning, I had a normal workout and a normal breakfast.
{Did you see my Breakfast Banana Pudding? I’ve been loving it!}
But then everything got a little less normal. I stood up to go to class and was greeted with the kind of pain I can’t really describe when I shifted my weight to my left leg. It originated around the back of my left hip, tightened up my already-tight hip, and stretched up into my lower back and down my also-tight hamstrings. I limped to my classes and had a hard time keeping up with my friend as I headed back to my dorm afterward. Ouch.
I pulled together lunch and headed out to meet a friend for some interview prep. I met him across campus, and while that’s not terribly far (about a 10-minute walk), I called my mom so I had something to distract me from the pain while I walked.
I stayed up too late Thursday and tried to treat the pain with lots of stretching, Salonpas, and Thermacare. I woke up in just as much pain on Friday. I hurt way too much to work out, and called my mom crying about what I should do. I had important meetings during the day that I couldn’t miss, so going to the emergency room was out for the time being. My mom said she could take me to urgent care or the ER when she got there on Friday afternoon.
I spent the early morning stretching and called Student Health to see if they could do anything for me. They couldn’t see me until Monday, so I gave up on that and headed to class. I almost turned around when I was a third of the way there because walking hurt so much, but opted to go because I hate missing class.
Post-class and post-meetings, my parents met me at my dorm and we headed to their hotel to hang out for the evening. I decided not to go to the fashion show I’d planned on attending and laid in bed all evening with Chipotle and ice cream. It was no fun to be out of commission, but it was so nice to have parental company.
On Saturday I skipped my workout again and made the painful trips back and forth to the laundry room because I needed to do laundry before my mom came to pick me up. We went to Target, dropped our purchases back at my apartment, and then finally went to urgent care.
I’ve had some bad experiences at urgent care centers, but this one was honestly excellent. The doctor seemed smart and reassuring. She took my leg through a bunch of ranges of motion and told me she suspected a muscle spasm that was resulting in nerve pain (or something like that…). She prescribed a muscle relaxer and a painkiller and assured me it should get better soon.
At that point, I was starving, so my mom and I went for a delicious lunch at Farmhouse.
{Burger + fries + shared mac & cheese)
I took the muscle relaxer after lunch, and I was out for three hours. I felt much better while the drugs were in effect, but very drowsy. I watched TV in a bit of a fog until I went back to my dorm. After another dose, I slept hard all night. By Sunday morning, I could walk plenty, but still not run or jump. My dad and I went grocery shopping and then headed back to the hotel for a bit. I napped for another hour because the muscle relaxer kind of makes me useless. 😛
Since I slept through lunch, my dad got me Chipotle to take back to my dorm and eat after we said our goodbyes. Aaaand then I spent the afternoon on the couch reading and in bed writing and resting.
So, the weekend didn’t go as planned. But it was approximately the best timing for this to happen. My parents were able to drive me around and keep me company while I was all drugged-up, and now I’m (hopefully) on the mend.
How was your weekend?
Have you ever had a muscle spasm?
I’ve gotten a muscle spasm in my neck before! That was nuts. I ultimately slept in the wrong position and couldn’t move my neck without crazy pain. Luckily it went away after a couple hours, but I thought I broke my neck. I’ve gotten cramping in my calves at night before. It was a regular thing when I was in HS but now that my nutrition is better I don’t get them that often.
I hope you have a better week!
Haha I kind of thought I broke my hip. Now that would’ve been bad. Have a great Monday, Ellie!
Hope you will be better soon! Being sick is especially lousy in University.
So true!
🙁 I hope you feel 100% soon. That is really sucky and I know how it feels. When My ackle/foot randomly like malfunctioned last year, I was all alone in a huge city, couldn’t move, ended up not even going to the last few weeks of classes….I had to get an x-ray at some random place in the city…I didn’t have an insurance card…long story, bad story….was NOT ready for that “Independence” 😛
Oh, that sounds awful! I got super lucky that my parents happened to be visiting this weekend. I can do doctor’s appointments on my own, but it was great to have a little extra help when it came to transportation and getting my medicine.
Aw man, I’m sorry to hear about your hip. 🙁 I hope you feel better ASAP!
Thanks, Julia!
Parents are the best 😀 My husband has to take muscle relaxers/pain medication for his back problems and it is great that they make him feel better, but he might as well not plan to do anything when he takes them. He is conked out.
That burger looks INSANE.
I hope I don’t have to take them too regularly and this can just be a one-time deal! And yesss that burger was awesome 😀
That’s great that your parents were able to visit you. I’m glad it wasn’t anything too serious, like breaking your hip! At least you had a very, very relaxing weekend. That’s probably one of the only perks to being injured or sick lol you have a reason to relax!
LOL I have a habit of thinking in “worst-case” mode, so the thought of a broken hip definitely crossed my mind!
Hope the pain has eased and you are feeling better. I have a long term hip injury and can appreciate how debilitating it is to have pain there.
Glad you got some parental TLC though even if the weekend didn’t go as you had initially planned xx
I hope your hip is alright!
Oh Ellen! I am so, so sorry to hear about all your pain and difficult weekend! Good thing your parents were able to be there to help you and keep you company (at least for part of the time). I had a bad stint with chronic charlie horses (about once a month…we think due to lack of calcium/magnisium) and it was awful. But still nothing compared to what you have to go through on a regular basis. My heart goes out to you…?
Thanks for your kindness, Hannah! Hopefully this is over quickly!