I started the day bright and early with a quick elliptical workout and a meh yoga class, before coming back to the apartment to throw breakfast together, overstuff my suitcase, and split an Uber to the airport with one of my roommates.
I was in Columbus by 3:oopm, where I joined my parents for a dog walk while adjusting to the change in environment. Then, we headed to dinner. I had a burger embarrassingly named “The Wedgie“. It had bacon and guacamole, though. How could I not order it? Exactly.
And then my dad headed off to play poker while my mom and I shopped and shopped and shopped. See, the sales are pretty much as good as Black Friday on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, but the crowds are zero. It’s excellent. I bought approximately half of Victoria’s Secret, a pair of fantastic boots, and a bunch of stocking stuffers.
We all came home and crashed on the couch for a while before calling it a night.
My dad and I started off the day with a 4-mile run. I’m not really running 4 miles at a time right now, since that doesn’t count as “easing” back into running post-injury, but it felt good and I wanted to run with my dad. Then, we got all dressed up to go to Thanksgiving lunch with my grandparents and great-uncle.
At lunch, the restaurant continued the tradition of people only thinking I’m anywhere near 21 when I’m around my grandparents.
When I’m at dinner with them and they order a bottle of wine, I get a glass without any question. And when I go through TSA, people often don’t even believe I’m 18.
After a mountain of cinnamon-butter sweet potatoes, we headed back to my grandparents’ house to watch football and talk school, sports, and politics. I also might have squeezed a nap in there.
We got back home around a normal dinner time and my dad made egg sandwiches, since none of us were overly stuffed from lunch.
And yeah, I put turkey on it. It seemed appropriate. Pippa also thought so.
She thinks all food belongs to her. And she’s so damn cute that she usually gets a bite.
We then proceeded to stay up until midnight to watch the first episode of the Gilmore Girls revival… only to realize that it came out at midnight PST. I rarely stay up till midnight, and 3:00am was out of the question. After getting over our mistake, we agreed to watch the next day.
I slept in a bit after the late night, and headed to the gym for an upper body circuit. The casino was running a Black Friday special, so dad wanted to play poker, but he also wanted to watch Gilmore Girls. My mom and I decided to do some more shopping for a few hours, so we could all meet up in the late afternoon to watch the revival.
I bought more stuff, and fortunately for my bank account decided to return a lot of it after taking inventory when we got back to the house.
And then, finally, it was time. We were watching Gilmore Girls. (There are no spoilers if you’re concerned about that!)
It took me a while to kind of get into it. I watch reruns all the time as background noise, but the revival had a different feel.
We even ordered pizza, which seemed like the appropriate way to enjoy Gilmore Girls, given their love of junk food… and the fact that pizza is always a good idea.
I could go on and on about how much I wanted to love the revival and how much I tried to be open-minded and give it a chance, but 6 hours later, all I could do was rant about how terrible it was. There were a few parts I enjoyed. However, there were a lot more parts that made me say, “No way. That’s not what _____ would do,” and, “What was the point of _____ scene?” Plus, it’s set up so there could totally be another revival, but everyone acted like this was really the end. Ugh.
Upon finishing the miniseries, I immediately texted Hayley, my friend who proudly obsessed over Gilmore Girls with me in middle school. I was glad to hear that she agreed with me, so we vented back and forth a bit before I ranted at my parents, who also hated the revival, again. I then went to bed, still pretty damn angry about the last 6 hours, and 10 years, of life.
Coming Wednesday: get to know me better by reading about my biggest disappointment regarding the series. There will probably be some spoilers in that, but you also need no prior information about GG to get the gist.
I ran an errand with my mom before meeting a friend at Starbucks for an hour to catch up. Abby got to hear me rant about Gilmore Girls for ten minutes, but then I mostly moved on with life and we talked family, friends, and school.
And then it was time for The Game (Ohio State vs. Michigan). I watched on the couch while finishing up my Ancient Empires essay.
Guys. What a freaking game. It actually was not a good showing by the Buckeyes until nearly the end, but then it got awesome and they won in double overtime. There was nervous rocking back and forth and covering of our faces and excited yelling in our house.
After the game and BOGO Chipotle (for wearing OSU gear), we decorated the Christmas tree.
I then had a minor freakout about my ability to come back to school and do finals and then be a successful individual in life. This may have been slightly related to Gilmore Girls, and my dad joked that if the Buckeyes had lost I would be even more of a mess. After my parents talked me down, I studied a little and snacked a lot, and went to bed.
My dad and I ran a 5K in below-30° temps, and then he made us all brunch.
We watched Sunday shows, my mom painted my nails, and I finished packing up my stuff. Then it was time to leave for my flight, which felt even quicker than usual due to a nap.
Once I was unpacked and settled into my dorm room, I restocked my food supply, ate, and finished up this crazy-long post.
See? It was actually a very good weekend. Ohio State won The Game and I shopped a lot. I got lots of quality family and friend time. I even finished up one of my finals. There was just a lot of emotion in there, too. More on that on Wednesday!
Your turn
How was your Thanksgiving?
Did you watch Gilmore Girls or The Game? Thoughts?
Linking up with Katie and Erin to chat about the lovely weekend.
That’s such a bummer about the GG Revival. I am still making my way through watching the whole series right now (I am on season 5) before watching the revival and am trying to soak up these “original” episodes before seeing the newer ones. I am glad to see you had a mostly relaxing break! Just a few more weeks until winter break 🙂 🙂
Definitely enjoy the originals! And good luck getting back into the swing of school! We’re in the home stretch ??
Thank you thank you for no spoilers. I swear I thought I’d have to stay off social media until January when I will have a chance to sit down and watch the reboot but everyone’s been awesome about not sharing anything… Except for the fact there’s a musical 🙂
My favorite part of all of these words is the fact you went for a run with your dad. It makes me begin to think I’d love to create more of a tradition like that for me and my daughter. Maybe a morning/sunrise yoga class each Thanksgiving
Ugh, that musical.
Awww that sounds like a great tradition! A little play + movement with loved ones is always a great way to start the day!
A lot of emotion indeed! I honestly wondered how they were going to pull off doing GG and actually nail it. It just didn’t seem possible. Glad you (overall) had such a great Thanksgiving!
It didn’t seem doable, but the early critic reviews were so positive! It wasn’t even good entertainment if you didn’t care about the storyline, though…
And I’m glad YOU had such a fabulous Thanksgiving!
Don’t worry about people never thinking you’re anywhere near 21 – I always have that happen to me. In fact, when I was running our youth group last year one of the parents said to another leader “oh it’s SO great you have some high schoolers coming now” and they were like “huh?” only to have the parent point to me and they had to explain I was actually a leader… and 23.
I’ve never watched a single episode of Gilmore Girls so I don’t get all the hype 😛
Hahaha always nice to know others are in the same boat. I’ll take my baby face as long as it lasts ?
Lots of good food and fun activities! I’m glad you had an (overall) great Thanksgiving weekend. 🙂 Good luck on the end of the term! My Thanksgiving was really fun–I spent it with my dad (and fifteen other people) for the first time in a few years and there was loads of food, noise, and good conversation.
That sounds like a lovely time! So glad you’re enjoying your break!
I feel like I’m in the minority but I never watched GG for some reason! I know the gist of it so I might watch a few new episodes. I have a feeling I’ll agree with your points though because we think alike haha. And The Game…I would have gone crazy if my team was playing!
I highly recommend GG, but you already know that. And, yes, given how similar we are, I think you’ll understand my feelings perfectly!