Five Places I’m Dying to Visit
- Europe. Yes, this is very broad. However, I would be happy to visit anywhere in Europe, and I figure I go one place, I can probably squeeze in a few side trips.
- Alaska. My grandparents have cruised there and it looks stunning.
- Denver, CO. I want to hike and take pretty pictures.
- Australia. … I’ve just always wanted to go to Australia.
- Charleston, SC. Kristen actually made it sound so awesome that now I have to go. Cute and historical? Sign me up.
Five Talents I Wish I Had
- Singing.
- Dancing. Any time I see a show or go to a concert or watch any movie in which people sing and dance, I basically complain that my parents should have made sure I could do these things. Are they necessary? No. But they’re not the sorts of things you can learn well when you get older, you know?
- Gymnastics. I totally envy my younger cousins who can flip all over the place. It’s sweet that they applaud my cartwheels, but they can do cool things like back tucks that scare me half to death.
- Proof-based math. Hopefully I won’t wish that next year, but understanding math well enough to prove it on my own would really come in handy this year.
- Sleeping. I’m not a good sleeper. I really like sleep. See the problem?
Five Movies I Can Watch on Repeat
- Pretty Woman
- Any Disney movie
- The Princess Bride
- Any Harry Potter movie
- Sweet Home Alabama
Five Foods I Eat Every Day
- Sweet potatoes
- Greek yogurt
- Eggs
- Apples
- Nuts + nut butter
Five Favorite (Serious) Posts on My Blog
Some of those deserve follow-ups, so be on the lookout for those!
Five Favorite Food + Fun Posts on My Blog
I need to get some new recipes up – I haven’t had time to shoot much food lately.
Five Things I Hear a Lot
- “You’re hungry/eating again?” Yep.
- “Your family is so cute!” Everyone really likes my relationship with my family…
- “You wake up so early.” Yep.
- “Have you started the problem set yet?” Uh, maybe. I can try to help, but I might be wrong.
- “You’re an econ major? So can you fix the world?” Nope. Not unless the ket to fixing the world is taking a derivative.
Five Favorite Workouts
- Running. When my hips and knees let me, of course.
- Yoga.
- Ellipticals. #TweetYourUnpopularOpinion
- Strength circuits. So many good ones.
- HIIT. Strength and cardio and quick.
Okay, so that’s a lot of different types of working out. I’m open to others, too. I like trying new workouts.
Five Things I Ate Yesterday
- Sautéed sweet potato with peppers and spinach, all topped with an egg.
- Steak and avocado salad with blueberries.
- Three bowls of cereal + vanilla Greek yogurt. I just kept going back for more.
- A random individual mango gummy. My friend hands them out randomly to people. Also, in exchange for homework help.
- Several squares of Ghirardelli 86% + a big spoonful of Jif Whips. Usually, I’m all for unsweetened super-natural nut butter. Occasionally, I want the sweet stuff.
Your turn! What are…
- Five things you eat every day?
- Five places you’re dying to travel?
- Five talents you wish you had?
OK 🙂 there are signs everywhere in my life these days. I’ve never seen one Harry Potter movie!!!
Do it! Maybe in your free 48 hours? 😉 I mean, I’ll always like the books better, but they’re good movies!
Fun! I love surveys too! Substitute kale for your greek yogurt and we are freaking twins.
I totally wish I could tumble like gymnasts. And be fearless on the bars. Instead, I feel like I’m going to fall flat on my face, which I would if I tried 😉
I am definitely too “scared” to be a gymnast these days… maybe if I’d done it longer as a kid I wouldn’t be so terrified?!
Aww haha! These remind me of the newbie blogging days! So cute!
I want to travel to Iceland, India, Italy, California, and Australia (okay..and Thailand!)
I eat nut/seed butter, raw cashews, nut milk every day without fail always…always!
And I wish I would paint or draw….that would be amazing!
LOL yes, like Throwback (day before)Thursday 😉
And oh I’d love to go to India, too! I have a bunch of friends from India and maybe one day I should just tag along when they go back to visit 😀
OMG. Aside from the econ bits, WE ARE THE SAME PERSON.
ZOMG wow I never would’ve guessed. I have econ, you have marathons 😉
I love surveys; they’re so great for getting to know bloggers more! This seems like an especially fun one–I might have to steal it at some point 😛 Also, that mug cake… bookmarking that recipe! I forgot I commented about mug cakes a long time ago and you asked me what my favorites were. Eek, to respond very late, I am currently obsessed with the single serve mug brownie recipe from Southern In-Law!
Five places I want to travel… I am with you on Australia and Alaska! Also, Switzerland, New Zealand, and Hawaii (where I’m actually going this summer–my first real “beach vacation”)! 😀
No worries, I’ll have to try that mug brownie!
Eeeek enjoy your beach vacation! I know it’s a little while away, but that’s so exciting!
You have to go to Alaska once in your life. I went when I was fifteen, and to this day it is my favorite place in the world. That’s coming from me, Miss “I can’t stand when it’s below seventy degrees.” That’s how much I loved it! Uhh I think I might try out your deep dark chocolate fudge mug cake later today! I need to take a quick glance at my pantry to ensure I have all of the ingredients, but this would totally satisfy my chocolate craving right about now!
WOW that is some high Alaska praise! I’m extra determined to go now! And I hope you found something to satisfy that craving 🙂
Australia is DEFINITELY a must visit… though… I’m a little biased 😉
I can watch any Disney movie, any time as well and I’m currently trying to convince Jesse to watch The Princess Bride as he’s never seen it (and I can’t believe that!)
“You’re hungry/eating again?” <<< story of my life. Or "oh wow, you eat a lot". Or "I didn't see you there" because apparently I have ninja skills that I never had to train for 😉
Eeek if I go I wanna visit you!
LOL at your ninja skills ? And Jesse needs to see The Princess Bride! It’s a must-see!
I love this. I wish I was really flexible, could whistle pretty tunes, could paint landscapes and bake amazing bread.
I’d love to be able to paint, too! Thanks, Megan!