- Pippa
Can I please bring my dog back to school with me? I like our longish walks and her endless love. Seriously, I swear she knows when I’m a little down or need a smile and she comes and sits in front of me or nudges me with her nose, or just starts licking me out of nowhere. She’s funny, she’s the best, and I’m glad she didn’t become totally indifferent to me when I left for school.
- Reconnecting with friends
When you have good friends, time and distance don’t really do much to negatively impact your relationship. Summer has shown me that, and I’m endlessly grateful for the wonderful, strong friendships in my life.
- My own kitchen (and the food that comes out of it)
I ate so much well this summer, especially in comparison to dining hall food. Between fun restaurants and playing around in the kitchen a bunch, maybe I’ll miss the food most of all. Kidding. 😉 Also, I’m just comfortable in my kitchen with big knives and a familiar set-up.
- My car
Driving is relaxing to me and I love having the freedom and ability to go anywhere I want. Usually it’s as simple as Target or a run to the mall, but that’s so much more of a hassle when I’m in Chicago… and it’s more expensive.
- My parents
They deserve their own bullets, but I would never hear the end of who I put first, even though I don’t really rank my Friday Favorites. I’ll probably still get teased but anyway, here we go.
My mom is the best.
She watches (too much) Food Network with me and lets me babble endlessly about the monotonous things that happen in my daily life. She cleans the house with me, enables me to buy more than I otherwise would, takes me out for lunch, happily eats all the things I cook and bake, rubs my sore neck and back, and listens to me always. She reliably tells me the same stories about three times. I can depend on her for commiseration and advice about anything. Spending time with her is my favorite.
My dad is the best.
He texts me links to articles and videos he stumbles across and thinks I’ll enjoy. We bounce philosophical and political ideas off each other all the time. He watches Sunday morning political analysis shows with me, enjoys the same podcasts, happily eats all the things I cook and bake, rubs my sore neck and back, and listens to me always. I can count on him to tease me about pretty much everything I do. I can ask him anything and he has an answer. Spending time with him is my favorite.
Have a fantastic weekend, everyone!
What all are you loving this week?
Pippa is ADORABLE! and I love how close you are with your dad; i’m the same way <3
Thanks! Love that you have a special relationship with your dad, too. Dads can be pretty great 😀
Your doggie is so cute, pets know when we are down. My cat always know and prances around like if she could talk she would be telling me everything is going to be ok. Your parents sound awesome and supportive. This week running, baking, and cleaning have been my favorite things, weird I know.
That’s not weird 😉 Those are some of my favorite things always! Have a fabulous weekend!
This post is so cute 🙂 Happy Friday! And wouldn’t school be so much better if everyone could bring their puppies?
Um, yes! I want puppies everywhere. Actually, I think some of the grad students living in the dorm have a couple dogs, so I’ll get a little bit of pet love while I’m there 🙂 Have a lovely weekend!
My kitchen <3 I feel yea!
I wish driving were relaxing…..it used to be, but now it is one of my more stress-inducing tasks :/
I’m sorry about that :/ Hope you have a great weekend, Rebecca!
I am so glad to had such a refreshing summer, Ellen!! Sometimes a break and a rest with our favorite people (and animals 🙂 ) is just what we need to rejuvenate us and give us a renewed zest for continuing on. I love the relationship you have with your parents…I hope this doesn’t sound creepy/weird to you, but I think it would be totally awesome to meet you and your family someday! Well, if you’re ever in the Seattle area, this weird-fan-girl would love to meet up! 😉
Some of the best parts of my week…
1) The new discovery of the chocolate + pumpkin spice combo. My sister made Amanda’s flourless chocolate pumpkin muffins (can you tell we’re crazy-Amanda-fans?? 😛 ), and at first, I was a little wary of them. Even though chocolate and pumpkin are two of my favorite flavors, I never understood the obsession with pairing them together, and I always thought (after a couple of negative experiences) that I was one of those people who hates cinnamon and chocolate together. I should’ve known Amanda wouldn’t steer me wrong…one bite into those warm muffins and I was hooked! I *loved* all the flavors playing together in perfect balance, and now I understand the obsession. 🙂
2) A last few warm days. We’ve had so many cold, rainy days I’ve been forced to admit that fall is fast approaching/may be already upon us. But a last hurrah of sunny, 80-degree weather has me feeling especially grateful for one last chance to soak in some sun before hibernation. 😛
3) Hearing about “old times” from my grandparents. They are visiting us right now, and I never get tired of hearing about what it was like for them back when they were younger. Plus, I absolutely love seeing their faces light up when they tell me stories and see that I am genuinely interested.
4) Parsnip chips. I got some at Whole Foods because our family wasn’t sure how we felt towards parsnips and I thought this would be a good taste-test. One bite in and I’m certain our entire family was mistaking turnips for parsnips…these were a.d.d.i.c.t.i.n.g.!! So yummy, I could’ve eaten the whole bag myself.
5) Long talks with my mom. I love discussing anything with her, asking her advice, exploring different ideas and new ways of thinking with her. I haven’t had as much time lately 🙁 , but it was really nice to be able to have a couple of hours today where we pretty much talked non-stop.
Hope your last weekend is extra-special and extra-long! 🙂 <3
Haha I’d be happy to meet up if we’re in the area 🙂
1.) Oh! I was a little concerned about chocolate and pumpkin, too, but I made these pumpkin cheesecake brownies a while ago and fell hard for the combo. Yummm. I’ll have to try out Amanda’s muffins!
2.) I’m relishing those, too. That said, one of the “warm” days this past week was really hot. But the weekend is supposed to be a little nicer!
3.) I love spending time with my grandparents! I’m having dinner with them tonight for the last time before I go back to Chicago, and I’m pretty excited.
4.) Hm, I’m not sure I’ve ever had parsnips. Interesting.
5.) So much yes.
Thanks, Hannah! Hope you have a great weekend, too!
I am definitely a daddy’s girl, especially since we share the same slightly cynical sense of humour 😉 , but on a deeper note, it is always reassuring to know I can go to my dad about anything at any time, and even if the answer isn’t simple, I always feel comforted by his support.
It sounds like you had a lovely summer and I hope things are also going well in Chicago.
P.S. Your dog is too cute! xx
Dads are pretty great <3 Thanks, Charlie!!
Pippa is precious. And you twinning with your dad <3 Love these updates Ellen! I am currently loving almond butter chocolate chip oatmeal right now, especially since the weather is finally cooling down!
Thanks so much, Mary Frances! That oatmeal sounds delicious. I’m enjoying the cooler weather 🙂