- Writing notes
I always say I’ll write people notes. I really do enjoy it (I like talking about myself, if you hadn’t gathered that), but I never make the time. When I was at Target last week, I saw these on sale and picked them up and I’ve been putting them to use. Yay!
- Dressing up (sometimes)
I’m a jeans + t-shirt girl through and through. Also, yoga pants. And sweatshirts. But occasionally I look fancy and it’s fun.
- Painted toenails
I let nail polish chip off and then usually don’t take the time to repaint my nails. But it’s a calming, self-care kind of thing, so I made sure to give myself a little time to do them this week. My toes don’t look quite like that now. I went with the sparkly silver one (OPI’s My Signature is “DC”) even though the pink felt more spring-appropriate because I thought it’d go better with my red shoes (above).
- Going home
I wasn’t sure whether I’d have time to visit my parents or have them visit me this quarter with the way my schedule worked out, but I decided this past week that I could probably afford to go home next weekend. Perfectly enough, it also happens to be Mother’s Day weekend. I’m a tiny bit excited.
- Disney wisdom
This is one of my favorite quotes and favorite necklaces. Because sometimes you just need a reminder.
Do you like writing letters? Dressing up? Painting your nails?
Favorite quotes?
What are some of your favorites from the week?
I love writing little notes! Do you know how many pads and stickys I have!? TONS!
And I should paint my toes….I haven’t since November………
I pretty much collect all sorts of notepaper, from Post-Its to nice stationary. LOVE writing notes 🙂
I love getting dressed up from time to time! Especially since Nike shorts and t-shirts seem to have overtaken my college wardrobe. This week during finals, I’ve actually had more time to get ready than normal because of no classes so I’ve been dressing cuter and I’ve realized how much I miss it!
It’s definitely nice to put a little extra effort into getting dressed now and again 🙂 Hope your finals are going well!
I am horrible at finding time to paint my nails, but I always feel so stylish when I do! 😛 I like the idea of dressing up, but when it comes down to it, it’s just too fussy for me; I hate fussy clothes. So really, I’d rather go casual. I was always writing notes growing up, and over the course of the years have had countless pen-pals. But usually, they got too busy to write. I like writing letters, though it is difficult now that I’m older to make the time to sit down and write one…but very rewarding when I do. 🙂
I love, LOVE, *LOVE* quotes, and am always collecting them!!! I don’t think I could ever choose a favorite quote, but this one comes awfully close:
“Oh, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person: having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them out. Just as they are–chaff and grain together, knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then with the breath of kindness, blow the rest away.”
~Dinah Maria (Mulock) Craik
I didn’t get a chance to do Friday Favorites last week, and I’m pretty sure that’s why I had a hard time picking just 5 favorites! 😛
1) This interview with Angela Liddon from Oh She Glows: http://blog.barre3.com/2015/04/13/barre3-book-club-oh-glows-cookbook/ Her outlook is so refreshing, and several of the things she had to say spoke directly to challenges I’m facing right now. Especially her encouragement to try things *in spite of* our fear of the unknown. That is how life-changing discoveries can be made.
2) Friendly neighbors. We live in a development, so that makes neighborly relations just that much more important. We’ve done a stint with not-so-neighborly neighbors, but all our current neighbors are very nice. I’ve been reminded of that as people wave to me in the development, say hello, chat over the fence, etc.
3) The Great Courses lectures. It’s a way to further my education at my own pace and in my specific interests; they have such a broad selection of topics, and I’m always eager to listen to my lecture. <- that is how learning should be, IMO. I have learned so much through the The Great Courses, and there are many more on my list that I want to listen to! 🙂
4) Experimenting with new foods. I love food, and recently, I've been trying to take a more relaxed approach to eating and not being so strict and regimented about what I eat. Even though I have not strayed far as of yet from how I usually eat, just giving myself permission and opening my mind to the idea has been so freeing and refreshing, and it's flooded my brain with endless possibilities!!
5) My new cousin Josh!!! He was born last week, and he's so adorable, it just melts your heart!! I haven't been able to meet him in person yet, but I want to SO BAD!!!! And every time I get a picture of him, I feel like squealing! Can you tell I'm excited he's finally here?? 😉 I love babies…and family babies are the best!!
Haha yeah, I can only stand dressing up for so long. An hour in, I just want to be comfy again 😉
I adore that quote. Beautiful.
1.) That interview was so nice! She seems like she has a really great outlook.
2.) I totally understand about friendly neighbors. Mine back home are quite nice, so that’s great, but I’ve found that having good “neighbors” in a dorm setting is the best. So grateful for the lovely people who live on my floor.
3.) That sounds so interesting! Maybe I’ll check it out over the summer… when I’m not already enrolled in a bunch of courses 😉
4.) That’s so great! I’m so happy your food attitude is changing – food should totally be enjoyed as thoroughly as possible. I <3 trying new foods.
5.) AHHH I love babies. Yep, I understand completely. 😀
I love having my nails painted, but the process is kind of a pain when you are trying to live real life (at least if you’re me 😛 ) For this reason, my fingernails are almost always unpainted, but I try to keep my toes painted. I do the same thing you do and let it chip/wear/be clipped off until I get around to painting them again. Depending on what is going on in my life depends on how far I push it…last time was way too far. I pretty much just grew the polish out!
Ooh…I love quotes! My family and I quote from books and movies in conversation all the time. I am also a quote hoarder. If it can be construed to be a quote, it goes into the quote journal. So choosing a favorite is hard! I think I’m going to say that this quote; it’s such a good reminder, in a short enough quote that peoples eyes don’t roll back into their heads! ;P A great all-purpose quote: “If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare composed poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, ‘Here lived a great street sweeper, who did his job well’” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Friday favorites:
1. Puppies! I just picked up 4 four-week-old Chihuahua foster puppies from the Humane Society, and they are SO tiny! I can hold one in my hand! They are a lot of work, but they are so sweet and cute!
2. Sweet 2-3 year-olds. We babysit for this family who has the sweetest kids, and I especially connect with their two year old. She is so easy-going, and tons of fun!
3. Reconnecting with friends. My family has been going to an annual conference for about 8 years, and we’ve made some friends there. We usually only see them once a year, though, and it is always so much fun to see a chat with them between working! And, of course, making new friends is fun, too!
4. New clothes. I’m hate the trying-on process, but I love having new clothes!
5. The color combinations that come with spring! The different colored trees, flowers and the deep blue sky…I just soak it up!
I totally use my hands too much to paint my fingernails. Unless it’s a gel manicure, but those are expensive, so they’re a *very* special occasion kinda deal for me.
1.) I want puppies! Actually, I get to go home and see mine at the end of the week 🙂 Yay!
2.) Awwww so cute. Love little kids 😀
3.) I love friends you can be away from for ages and then it feels like you never left. That’s such a lovely feeling.
4.) Same. 100%.
5.) YES. I love how the green trees play against the blue sky and how the bright flowers look against the dark soil. Ahhh so lovely <3
You’re right, your week looked really lovely! You’re so beautiful when you’re dressed to kill, haha! 😉
Thanks, Lily 🙂