Happiest of Fridays to you! Do you have fun weekend plans? I’m making a very last-minute trip to Chicago with my mom to 1.) chill, 2.) eat, and 3.) iron out some graduation details. She’s had a super busy time at work, I haven’t seen much of her for a few evenings this week due to hockey (the games go late, so my dad and I have been going on our own), and my Sunday yoga clients happen to be out of town this weekend, so I’m free. Yes, I could ask them to take a weekend off sometime, but I’ve only been working with them for a few months and I’ll probably need a couple weeks off in the summer for trips.
The lame part is that the Blue Jackets just released the time of their fifth game of the playoffs (yeah, they lost in double overtime on Tuesday…), and it’s at 3pm EST, which is not ideal from the standpoint of someone who would usually be watching but will be in Chicago. If it were an evening game, it’d be easy to find a restaurant with a bar area to watch the game during dinner. As it is, I’ll just make my dad text me updates.
Anyway, let’s get onto talking about some of my favorites this week. Sound good?
Homemade croissants
I don’t bake with yeast. Or, when I do, it usually goes wrong because the yeast is old because I bought it ages ago when I thought I’d be brave enough to try baking with yeast.
But then Sally posted a recipe for croissants, and later for chocolate croissants, and I knew I had to give them a try. I was originally going to make them in one day and then bake them the next, but there were too many times it had to rest in the fridge and I would have had to stay up late, so I spread the process out over three days.
Sorry for the annoying period-between-every-word construction, but…
They. Are. So. Good.
Playoff hockey
You probably saw that coming. Not only do I love that it’s playoff season and the Blue Jackets are in the playoffs, but I’m also super happy that I’m here to go to the games! Last season, I had to watch jumpy streaming of the playoffs from my dorm room in Chicago. This year, I get to be there!
Also, I freaking love hype videos – everyone just looks so happy and talented in them – and there are tons of them in the playoffs.
Man Cave ground turkey with bacon
I would be lying if I said that I find ground turkey to be an exciting meat. I don’t. It’s fine, but I don’t love it unless it’s jazzed up. This, friends, is jazzed up. I love bacon, and a strip of bacon is like 3 bites. But this ground turkey has crumbled bacon in it. If you know bacon, you know its flavor seeps into everything you’re cooking it with. So… basically it’s like eating a lot of bacon, but with extra protein because of the turkey. WIN.
Arch exercises
Okay, this is 100% not a sexy fave but it’s practical for the hypermobile among us (just me?). I’ve talked about the fact that my arches flattened out and caused me to go up a shoe size as an adult. Well, upon further research, I found that this could also be the reason for some of my ankle and calf issues, which prompted me to find arch-strengthening exercises and put myself together a little program of foot and ankle exercises to help correct my problems. I don’t think it’s going to build my arch up so high that I need smaller shoes or anything, but I’ve definitely noticed less pain since starting.
Perfect Bar ambassador
You know I love Perfect Bars, and now I’m an ambassador. I’m kinda obsessed with the shirt, water bottle, and beach towel, they sent me, as well as (duh) the bars.
If you want to order some yourself, use code FAMCLUB15 at checkout! (That’s not an affiliate link – just a discount for you!)
And that’s all from me for the week! I’ll be back next week with some life ramblings. Have a fabulous weekend!
Your turn:
What are you loving this week?
Bacon or sausage?
What’s your favorite pastry?
We will be at Capital U this weekend for Alumni Weekend. There will be a couple dinners, an awards program, and a Chapel Choir Concert. The Choir is the best!! We will also meet up with some old friends, 60’s era, that is. Maybe hit the Casino after Saturday activities. We’ll see.
I really like both bacon and sausage. Just had breakfast with Gahanna teacher/poker friend at Bob Evans on Wednesday. I went with sausage. That is so “Bob”.
I am a sucker for pastries. Really enjoying bagels. Do you call that pastry?
Have a great weekend!
Those chocolate croissants look amazing! Hope you have a great weekend!
Sooo I’m not a bacon or sausage person – but lately I’ve been enjoying bacon more because I’ve found a good all natural bacon that actually tastes good!
Croissants were my favourite before I found out I had coeliac disease. So much so that I tell everyone if I ever find out the world is ending in X hours, I’m eating a heap of croissants before time is up haha
so cool you are a perfect bars ambassador! i loveee those bars. and those croissants look so awesome