That’s why Thursday was rough. A fracture pretty much means I won’t be running the half in February and also will prolong finishing my yoga teacher training requirements. Blah. I fluctuate between being totally okay with it, respecting that one day my body will chill out and let me do what I want and being really angry/sad. Frankly, I knew injury was a possibility when I signed up to run it; it always will be for me. But I hoped that if I did everything right (which I have been), that everything would work out. Oh well. As I themed the yoga class I taught yesterday, everything in its own time.
As of Friday around 11:30, I have three more quarters at UChicago. I’m 70% done! Crazy and wonderful. After my exam, I did laundry, got my MRI, and chilled out in bed with Friday Night Lights. Oh, and ate a bunch of truffles and donut holes our RHs ordered for the leftover students.
I spent Saturday morning shipping some textbooks to Amazon and editing, writing, and taking pictures for Fit U.
And in the afternoon, I ate the fruits of my labor and studied for my final yoga exam. I can now say I know my Sanskrit.
Instead of staying in for the whole night, I opted to take a break for dinner and go try out sweetgreen. I ordered the Chicken + Brussels and it was delicious. A little salty, but delicious. I’m a fantastically nosy person, so I also listened to the awkward first date conversation between a UChicago student and a non-UChicago student.
{FYI: It’s not a party school. We do have an exceptionally lax alcohol policy, though.}
When I came back, I studied, talked with some of my friends from high school about all the ways our lives could be different, and passed out.
Sunday was the last yoga teacher training class for the first round. Mostly, we were supposed to teach another student the full class and then switch places. Since I couldn’t very well do the sequence in a boot, I got to teach one of the teachers for my final exam, and just observed as the other people in my class taught each other. We then hung out and ate cookies for a while. I also found out that I can probably still take the second round of teacher training in a boot, since it’s more about teaching than practicing. So, I think I intend to do that.
But guys! I’m pretty much a yoga teacher.
I got back to the dorm in the midst of a bunch of slippery snow falling, chatted with my parents, and baked muffins and two types of cookies to give to the ladies who work the front desk. Holiday baking might be the only thing that keeps me sane if I’m in a boot for a while.
I then realized that, aside from water and tea, the only things I consumed after breakfast were a couple muffins, (lots of) cookies, ice cream, and wine. I had a little chicken, Siggi’s, and an apple because #balance.
Today, I’m heading back to Columbus, where I’ll bake more and see my dog and my family and rest up for whatever next quarter brings.
Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, I hope you have a lovely Monday.
Your turn:
Did you go to a party school?
What’s the best thing you ate this weekend? Honestly, a lot of really great cookies. Though those stuffed sweet potatoes were pretty excellent, too.
Oh no about the fracture!!!
No matter how much we are aware of the potential for injuries like that they still suck.
You’re certainly right about that. ❤️
Text me as soon as you know.
Maybe if we just dunk it in runny yolk it will use magical healing powers to fix it? xoxo
Right now all I know is that they called to schedule a FOLLOW-UP before telling me what’s wrong. So… assuming it’s fractured if they want to see me again? Wtf.
And seriously, I would take like an hour of intense pain to fix it over 6+ weeks of patience. What is patience?
Haha that’s too funny about that awkward date conversation. Ithaca College was a chill party school for sure.
Sometimes a lower-stress environment is an appealing prospect, honestly.
Yes, do all the holiday baking; that will help take your mind off the boot, and it’s pretty good exercise too. <3 So sorry you have to wear a boot, but I'm thankful that you got a diagnosis, and I will be praying for healing. God does knit our bodies back together in amazing ways.
Thanks, friend! Wishing for a speedy recovery ❤️
Congrats on your yoga teacher training!! That’s so exciting and impressive!! ? I’m sooo sorry about the stress fracture. I think I may have some susceptibility to stress fractures especially as I’m fairly certain I suffered from one as a result of running in the past. Now it seems that old injury flares up if I do too much impact work. I can only imagine how hard this must be for you! But! You are still accomplishing a lot and benefitting your life in mind in other ways, and even though this seems a setback now, maybe later, you’ll see it was actually a blessing in disguise or something. I mean, we never know. But it must be supremely disappointing to you right now…sending hugs your way! Remember how awesome you are! ?
(Also crazy how close you are to being done with school…?)
Thanks, Hannah! I’ve definitely had less than stellar bone density since I was quite young. The injury is just a lil reminder to slowwww down.
Sucky about your ankle 🙁 hope you feel better soon.
I definitely go to a party school. Actually anywhere in NZ is a party school because we have this terrible drinking culture here.
So yup I stick out like a sore thumb 😛
LOL even though my school isn’t a party school I stick out like a sore thumb because I don’t even like going to the parties that do exist ? We’d be good real-life friends.
I’ve been craving cookies so bad…I already ate the two trays I made of pumpkin cookies, but I’ll probably make more tonight! 😀
Haha I go through Cookies pretty fast, too. More sounds like a good plan!
Oh nooooooo! You poor thing 🙁 Injuries suck. Your weekend sounds like it was full of delicious food though. The best thing I ate was probably spaghetti for dinner on Saturday night before going to the movies. I don’t know why but it was extra delicious!
Ooooh that’s always good. I forget how tasty spaghetti is till I have it!