5:34 am – Wake up. I feel too tired to get up now, though. I lie in bed and adjust to the idea of being awake for a bit.
6:04 am – Actually drag myself out of bed. I get changed and go work out around 6:20. I’m about 20 minutes behind my usual schedule, but I’m not in any real hurry.
7:30 am – I’m done working out and stretching. My hips are still really feeling my Saturday night yoga class, but all that stretching is a good thing, right? I shower, do my hair and makeup, and get dressed. For today, at least, it’s warm enough for shorts and that is super exciting.
8:36 am – I was ultra-hungry yesterday, but today… nope. I don’t know what to do with that information, but I still need breakfast. I decide to make Julie’s egg white + oatmeal pancake.
{Topped with banana slices + blackberries + maple syrup}
8:50 am – I eat my pancake and ask my dad how best to respond to some emails about summer internships. I’m trying to keep my options open, but I don’t think the timelines will line up enough to let me. I’m probably going to have to make a decision before I know what all my options are.
9:17 am – Snack on a bowl of cereal while reading blogs and saving the right files for my econometrics homework.
9:36 am – Respond to aforementioned email. Continue blog-reading.
9:46 am – Receive email response regarding a different opportunity. Think really hard, and then call my dad to talk.
10:11 am – Leave for econ. I’m 99% sure where I’ll be working this summer.
10:25 am – Get to econ and review the problem set I turned in last week before class. Class starts and we talk about the effects of income taxes.
At several points during the lecture, the whole class starts whispering to try to determine what our teacher is writing on the board. His lowercase r looks like a gamma and his tau looks like 2.
11:52 am – Class ends and I head out with my study group. I get back to the dorm at about 12:01 and see one of my friends texted me about a correction I thought we needed to make to this week’s homework. I sit down to fix the mistakes and I’m glad to see the result actually makes a lot of sense. I text my study group the correction. We’ll probably meet up and go over it Tuesday.
12:56 pm – My phone starts ringing, and it’s a number I don’t know, but it has a Columbus area code. After talking on and off for about a week and a half, I actually need to decide on my job offer… so I take it. Nationwide Insurance is based in Columbus, and that’s where I’ll be working this summer!
12:58 pm – Call my dad and say I took the job.
1:01 pm – Text my mom to say I’ll be home for the summer for sure.
1:03 pm – Text my high school friend group message to say I’ll be in town this summer for sure.
1:22 pm – Eat something lunch-ish.
{Simple salad: spinach, grilled chicken, giant carrots, Trader Joe’s edamame hummus}
1:38 pm – Eat pistachios.
2:30 pm – Write my discussion post for sosc. Grab some greek yogurt and melt cheese over a microwaved sweet potato. Email my hiring manager to tell him I accepted the job. Eat some flatbread and a piece of dark chocolate.
3:31 pm – Meet my sosc partner to brainstorm for the discussion we’re supposed to lead tomorrow. Casually complain about how we’re busy and stressed about everything in life. It’s always good to know you’re not alone.
4:24 pm – He leaves for lab and I call my mom and kind of just babble about life.
5:13 pm – Chat a little more with my dad about the job and school and all that.
5:43 pm – Leave for econometrics discussion, which starts at 6:00. We talk about the problem set we just turned in. I definitely made some mistakes. Oops.
6:58 pm – Discussion ran long, so I’m running late for my Spoon meeting.
7:04 pm – I get to the library for the meeting. We talk about the brownie sale we’re running on Friday and get updates on current stories.
7:14 pm – Meeting is over and I head back to the apartment. When I get back at 7:27, I notice that the kitchen has kind of exploded. I wipe down the counters and have a lame-ish thrown-together dinner of veggies with melted cheese and nutritional yeast and lemon pepper tuna. Honestly, I like those things just fine, so I’m okay with it. Not every meal is eggs Benedict.
7:52 pm – Write this post. Realize it’s been quite a day.
8:51 pm – Get a text from my friend about our econ problem set. Fix the mistake he pointed out.
9:13 pm – Make myself a snack and watch Netflix to end the day on a relaxing note.
10:05 pm – Bedtime!
How was your Monday?
What was your most memorable summer job?
I blacked out when you mentioned dealing with taxes before noon. Slash blacked out when you mentioned taxes at all. ;D
LOL. At least, even in math-y terms, we generally come to the conclusion that taxes are bad 😉
I looked for an Ellen post at SPOON. Are you just part of the Spoon University posts? Please explain.
More importantly—CONGRATS on the job and on the DECISION.
I mostly just edit for Spoon! And thanks so much, Grandma 🙂
I enjoyed working at an ice cream store for the first few summers I was able to have a job. I made the ice cream in the basement and since our ice cream was nationally ranked, it was kind of cool to be part of that. It was tough work though, made me strong!
Congratulations on the job! I remember one calculus teacher I had was from Romania and wrote in this script that I had the hardest time reading! It the worst when it was math because I’m bad at that anyway hahaha
Working for an ice cream store sounds like a classic, cool summer job. Also, I love ice cream 😉 Thanks so much, Ellie!
Our Monday was AMAZING! 🙂 I love that you spend a great deal of time connecting with da blogger friends in the morning. 🙂 Furthering those relationships is so fun. It sounds like you do a good job of keeping your days low key and relaxed, not stressed. 🙂
Getting to know other bloggers is so fun! Hope you’ve had a good week, Emily!
Netflix + a snack is my every evening! I like to keep my morning and evening routines because days are usually unpredictable.
Congrats on deciding on a job!
I like having routines for those times of day, too. It’s nice to start and end the day feeling (mostly) relaxed! Thanks so much, Kate 🙂
I’m going to apply for my first “real life” summer job this week (hopefully!) I’m excited 😛
And…I love your black blouse! Hahaha!
Congrats on the application – always satisfying to get those done! Thank you, Rebecca! Might’ve bought the same one in a bunch of colors because I liked it so much ?
And I just realized I didn’t say: congrats on the internship!!!!
Thanks, Susie! I don’t blame ya – taxes are pretty distracting 😉
good for you on waking up so early to workout! if only i had your commitment. and i remember the days of economics class; funnily enough it was one of my favorite classes at university!
Thanks, Beverley! Econ is my major, so I mostly like it 😉 Also – not sure I’ve told you, but I love your site update!!!
Congrats on the job! You’re such a go-getter haha when I was your age, I was scrambling for an internship. I love your “day in the life” posts, makes me wanna do one myself!
Thanks, Lauren! It definitely feels like scrambling, but I think that’s kind of the nature of job-searching 😛 And I’d totally read a day-in-the-life post of yours 😀 They’re fun!
I love these kinda posts! Maybe I’m just super nosey but it’s really interesting seeing how someone spends their day.
I’m the same way! Thanks for reading, Megan ?
Nationwide!! So awesome, Ellen! So excited for you and I’m sure your parents are psyched to have you home for the summer. (I saw the cute Facebook status your mom tagged you in :)) Hope your workload eases up soon!
Thanks so much, Liv! I’m definitely pretty glad to be in Columbus 🙂 I hope the end of your semester is going well!
Yay! Congratulations on the job, girl! I love that you called your parents to talk everything over because that’s exactly what I would have done – and how exciting that you’ll be home for the summer too!
Thanks, Kristy! I’m so glad to get to go home for a little bit 🙂