6:41 am – Wake up naturally. It’s later than normal and I have a long day ahead of me. Whatever. I get out of bed and change clothes.
7:03 am – Leave for the gym. I start listening to Georgie’s podcast with Marina (it’s so good), eat a Health Warrior bar, and enjoy the chilly morning.
7:16 am – Get to the gym. Alternately elliptical for short periods and foam roll. Lots of foam rolling because I’m suuuuuper tight.
8:13 am – Leave the gym.
8:25 am – Shower and start listening to another podcast.
8:45 am – Do my makeup. Contemplate how I’m handling packing food for the day. I should have done it last night because I’m way more indecisive in the morning. Whatever.
9:02 am – Make breakfast, check my email and Instagram messages, and make my bed.
9:15 am – Eat breakfast.
{Cauliflower oats + banana + almond butter + more almond butter straight outta the jar}
Read about two blogs. Needlessly stress out about my first day of classes. Seriously. The first day is never a big deal.
9:36 am – Wash my dishes and get dressed and do my hair. I can’t believe that I didn’t even leave enough time for a decent first day of school pic, but I didn’t. I’ll probably do a pretend one on my next day of class so that I still have one. Pack some food because I don’t plan to be back until 6pm. Ugh. Saying that actually makes me sad.
10:10 am – Leave for Cognitive Psychology. I’m completely sure that I’m leaving too early, but I’ve never been to this building before and I’d rather be early than late or scrambling. I also grab a Diet Coke before I leave. My head hurts and I feel that a little caffeine is necessary for four back-to-back classes.
10:30 am – Cognitive Psych starts.
The professor seems really good, gives us a basic intro to the topic, goes over the class structure and syllabus, and explains why he doesn’t recommend using laptops to take notes. I get a little annoyed by the laptop thing because if you’re going to suggest people don’t use them, just make it a rule that they aren’t allowed. Either way, I take handwritten notes.
11:50 am – Class ends. I head to the econ building for Intro to Finance.
11:58 am – I get to class and it’s pretty full. I set my stuff down and refill my water bottle. The teacher is nice and doesn’t start until a few minutes after noon. He also introduces class as nonessential if you feel like you can study effectively on your own, says he doesn’t expect people to come to class, and talks about how hard the subject is. Not promising.
12:35 pm – Eat my lunch. Shrimp and zucchini noodles and a really good sesame ginger dressing that I found at Whole Foods on Monday night. Not enough food, but it’s something.
1:15 pm – Class ends early and I’m so grateful. I’ve never made the exact trip from this building to the one for Health Economics and Public Policy, so I want extra time to get there and figure out where the classroom is.
1:30 pm – I get to Health Econ and grab a syllabus and a class request form. This is the class I really want to be in. I make this painfully clear on the class request form. Like, shamelessly begging. The teacher is super nice and says that he wants to get as many people in the class as possible. Fingers and toes and limbs crossed.
2:50 pm – Class ends and I head to the business school for Crony Capitalism while eating a Perfect Bar.
I really don’t want to sit in a three-hour class, but I also really want to get out of Intro to Finance. Desperate.
3:00 pm – Oh. My. Goodness. This is the fullest classroom ever. Fuller even than the Inequality classroom on the first day of last quarter. I’m stuck on the floor. Ha. I really don’t think I’ll be staying the whole time.
4:09 pm – There is such a small chance I end up in this class that I leave at the break. I talk to my friend, who offers me his spot in a couple other econ electives, but they don’t sound much better than Intro to Finance. Pass. I figure if I can get into this one, I can catch up on the hour and a half of lecture I miss… and I’m really not up for sitting on the floor much longer. I call my mom to talk about my day and listen to her stories.
4:20 pm – I die laughing at my mom’s story about locking her keys in her car. She left the sunroof open, though, so she was able to reach down into the car to get the keys and avoid waiting for AAA to come unlock the door. So proud of her.
4:35 pm – Go pick up all my packages at the front desk. I’ve been ordering books and stuff off Amazon, and there was a Fit University package there from when I was on spring break.
Sweeeeet. I also decide to eat the KIND bar that came with it. I work on some Fit U editing.
5:30 pm – My dad calls and I catch him up on my day.
5:56 pm – Time for dinner. Ambitious Kitchen chili (I made it with beef instead of turkey over spring break and brought the leftovers back here) with Siete tortilla chips and cilantro from my very own cilantro plant.
It was deeeelicious. I also eat some Greek yogurt and half an Endangered Species 88% dark chocolate bar for dessert.
6:30 pm – Refocus on the Fit U article I’m working on.
7:06 pm – Get a surprise call from a friend of mine who graduated last year. “You have your life together and the other person I could call is a banker so she has no time. Can you talk?” We talk (mostly she talks, but I think that’s how therapy works) for over an hour and agree to have dinner next week.
8:09 pm – I start writing this post. I was going to do other things tonight, but I’ll do them tomorrow. I don’t have class, anyway.
8:37 pm – Find out the Blue Jackets won. Yes!
8:59 pm – Finish up this post. Get a snack (a giant sweet potato, a giant apple, more Greek yogurt, and some Dark Chocolate Fudge Nikki’s Coconut Butter). Read some blogs. Get ready for bed.
10:20 pm – Time for bed. Yay yay yay. No more four-class days for me!
Your turn:
Would you rather have all your classes in one day or spread them out over a week?
What was the best thing you ate yesterday?
I kind of miss the structure of school. Screw that, I really miss it. Even when it drove me nuts. Yesterday I ate 7 blueberry banana muffins. SEVEN. But the best thing that I ate was Alex and I shared a Tarte aux Champignon from TJ’s (like your lunch, not enough food, but delish)
Lol not having class four days a week is enough to mess with my structure. ? Ummmm I demand muffins.
I haven’t been in school in way too long (AAAH!!) but when I was I went full time so I pretty much had classes every day. It was unavoidable. Usually MWF were packed and then Tuesday/Thursday were lighter days. Best thing I ate yesterday was probably the pancakes I ate for breakfast. Nothing exciting to report. Good luck with classes!
Full time for us is 3-4 classes! No more 🙂 I just have a few on Tuesday/Thursday and one long one on Friday. And pancakes sound pretty special to me ?
I had so many thoughts while reading this, so let’s see if I can remember them all..
– YAY! Someone else who loves the Health Warrior bars. Addicteddddd, I am!
– And sad face at not getting back till 6. I am such a homebody that I always loved going back to my apartment between classes. We’ll see how that goes in grad school since I’ll be living off campus (hopefully close…)
– I’ve always preferred to have my classes that are on the same day close together (my dream schedule was fitting four classes into 8 am to 12:30 pm), but I’d rather have them spread out throughout the week than die on one day. That doesn’t work well for me at allll
– Best thing I ate yesterday? Probably avocado on my leftover homemade pizza. Yum. 😉
I love the mini Health Warrior bars!
LOL it sounds like we prefer similar schedules. I can’t do long days very often.
Geez my brain would be dead at the end of this day. Heck, it would have been dead half way through the day. That is a LOT of class. But like Suz …. this really does make me miss it. Something about running from class to class and trying to get a seat.. sigh. You miss it when you leave it. I like to have at least a bit of structure in each day so maybe I would prefer to spread out my classes.
Yay for your mom being a rock star!!
I prefer the spread out structure too! Sometimes doesn’t work out that way, but it’s my goal!
perfect bars rock. always that flavor kombucha looks so good! I love sipping on something to drink while in class. Helps me stay awake and focused
Trilogy is my absolute favorite! And sipping during class definitely keeps me focused!
I definitely can’t say I envy you having to deal with all the class drama. That feels like a headache!
The best thing I ate yesterday? Definitely s’mores brownies!
Unmmm are we getting a recipe for those? Yum!!