Happy Monday! I hope you had a lovely weekend. Mine involved a little relaxing and lot of preparing for the next quarter. As I write this, I honestly don’t have a good sense of what to expect out of the next 11 weeks (hopefully good things?), so I’m feeling a little scatterbrained. It’s unfortunately not a Thinking Out Loud Thursday, but I’m going to go ahead and think out loud a little bit now.
- All my classes this quarter end before noon. This totally feeds my early-bird tendencies, and allows me a ton of time in the afternoon to work while many of my friends are in class. It also frees up some time for afternoon naps, if I can actually manage to fall asleep.
- I want to try to maintain the lovely balance of sleep, studying, and socializing I found last quarter. I know myself, and I know that studying all the time isn’t good for me mentally, that socializing all the time just isn’t “me”, and that I need enough sleep to feel like a person. Basically, I can’t do extremes like that and expect to feel good. I want to feel good. Hence, I need balance.
- I really like schedules. Though some of my break was structured, there was nothing as set as a class schedule. Even though right now I don’t know what all my classes will necessarily be like, I do know when I’m supposed to be there, and that’s bizarrely comforting to me.
- I miss having a constant flow of water and a constant wi-fi connection when I’m at school. You have to push the faucets down every five seconds when you’re washing your face here. Also, the wi-fi disconnects rather frequently. Definitely not end-of-the-world problems, but still a little annoying.
- I miss the casual chatter of college when I’m at home. Hearing snippets of other people’s conversations and randomly catching up with friends in the halls feels familiar and there’s a sense of community in it that I really enjoy.
- Being at school makes me hungry. I don’t know how this works, but thankfully my room is well stocked with snacks.
- All in all, I’m excited. I like learning and beginnings of things, so I’m looking forward to seeing what the quarter brings
Early bird or night owl?
Do you like schedules or spontaneity?
What are you looking forward to?
Any other random things I should know?
I’m an early bird to the max! I like having earlyish classes and taking afternoon naps 🙂 The best part of college in my opinion haha
I definitely love that college lets you kind of maximize your more naturally productive times and schedule yourself. Yay for naps 🙂
I am definitely a morning person! It’s hard for me to stay up at night 🙂 I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Creative Blogger Award! I love reading about college, seeing all of your yummy food, and all of that good stuff. I always get a little excited when I see you have posted 🙂 If you want to learn more about the award, you can check out more about it on my latest blog post on sweetlypetite.wordpress.com . Take care! xx
Aww thanks Alison! That’s so sweet of you 🙂
Lol, I am so with you on the nap thing! I am very short on sleep right now due to vacation (biggest paradox ever!), and I am tempted to try a nap. But most of the time, I just doze on and off, on a good day. Like you said, that’s if I can get to sleep! I’m probably more of a night owl, but it’s really that I’m not a morning person. I have different ideal things to do in my mornings, afternoons and evenings, but sometimes, that just can’t happen and I have to do something at a more inconvenient time. =S I like some structure and some spontaneity. By nature, I am more of the last-minute, throw-something together type of person, but I grew up with routine, plans, and a very structured lifestyle, so I have experienced the benefits and drawbacks of both. So I like a good mix of both to keep each other in balance, when possible. But most of the time, structure wins. =P
What I’m looking forward to/random thing you (don’t) need to know: I love journaling, and so I’m really looking forward to squeezing writing down certain events from my vacation in between all my other stuff. It’s my favorite way to express myself, and I’m always happier (and more efficient) if I have something I enjoy that I can work for. =D
I totally understand that some things just seem to be best at certain times of the day. I’m the same way!
Ahh writing stuff down is so relaxing and nice! Helps you process everything and remember it 🙂 I hope you get some time to do that soon!
I am totally a schedules person, though my spontaneous sister had recently been helping me to appreciate that side of things as well. I tend to be an early bird, and I can’t sleep in much (well, not what most people call sleeping in, though for me it is, lol! 😛 ), but when I’m sleep-deprived, I’m not super-functional in the mornings. Right now, I’m looking forward to the end of this crazy week and all the stuff that I haven’t been getting around to on my to-do list. 😛 Helllllooooh weekend!!! I love weekends. 😉
I’m working on appreciating less rigidity with regard to schedule. Haha maybe I need to talk to your sister 😉 One more day! You can do it! Then it’s the weekend 😀