5:20 am – The alarm on my Fitbit goes off (so it was silent/not disturbing my sane roommate, who would like to sleep until it’s light outside). I drag myself out of bed, wonder how on Earth I did this almost daily (sans alarm) last quarter. Ugh.
5:25 am – I drag myself to the bathroom to brush my teeth and splash water on my face, before wandering back to my room to throw on workout clothes and a coat.
5:37 am – Head to the house lounge and meet the other 9 people who decided to participate in the crazy festival of Kuvia.
5:50 am – We start the trek to the gym. It’s probably cold outside, but we don’t think so, since it’s also probably a solid 20 degrees warmer than this time last week. It’s still only about 20 degrees, though.
6:00 am – We see the line at the gym and all kind of start to cry – but not really.
6:38 am – We finally make it inside. Yes, we waited for nearly 40 minutes. My legs were frozen straight, I’m pretty sure.
6:45 am – Some of us do a lap around the indoor track before we start doing sun salutations with, I don’t know, three or four hundred other crazy people. The floor is not suitable for this, and leaves your hands burning because it’s really spiky.
7:05 am – Sun salutations are over, and now we break off into little seminar groups. My housemates choose an Indian dance one, which is definitely fun, but no one really know what we’re doing. We look ridiculous. Ohhhh well.
7:28 am – The seminar leaders bring out little sticks they usually twirl while they dance in competitions and such. My house ducks out, because we just can’t twirl things and really don’t want to try. Also, we want to be first in line for bagels.
7:30 am – They let us get bagels! But they limit us to half a bagel each. I grab a sesame seed one and then we all walk back to the dorms.
7:48 am – I get back to my room and chat with my roommate about whether I’m really going to do this all week. I’m torn. I really like sleep. And working out whenever I want. And whole bagels. We’ll see.
7:52 am – I put on makeup and get ready to grab some real breakfast.
8:15 am – I hang out and read blogs and text my mom for a bit, then start this post.
9:58 am – Time to shower before class.
10:24 am – Do my hair, put on clothes. I’m wearing scarlet and grey that no one here will appreciate, but Ohio State plays for the national championship, so I’m a little excited or something.
10:45 am – Pack up my stuff and address a letter, then head out the door around 11:06.
11:09 am – I know I’ll be a bit early, so I stop to take some pictures of the pretty day.
11:30 am – Time for math. It’s multivariable calculus, and today we talk about drawing in three dimensions. The conclusion is that we should know how, but the professor won’t really test us on it because it’s hard to do clearly. (It so is.)
12:24 pm – Math is over. I’m starving. I head back to my dorm and the dining hall. The line is crazy long, so I go up to my room and drop off my stuff, hoping it dies down quickly, since I have another class at 1:30.
12:38 pm – Grab lunch, chat about Kuvia, and head back to my room to get my Natural Hazards stuff. Check my email for a bit, bundle up, and leave around 1:15.
1:30 pm – Class starts. We talk about weather predictions and humidity and the water cycle and such. There’s really not a lot of content right now.
2:50 pm– Natural Hazards is over, but I have lab right afterward, so I head there. We generate data for the homework using a computer because no way is my group rolling a die 1200 times. After talking through the rest of the homework, I leave around 4:30 and head (early) to my math problem session.
5:38 pm – I got my question answered and stayed for some other people’s questions. Now, I need dinner. I go drop my stuff off in my room and eat around 6:03.
6:45 pm – I chat with my dad for a while about my day, and we talk about the Buckeye game. I make sure my computer will let me watch.
7:38 pm – I start writing up the answers for my Natural Hazards homework. It’s not due until Friday, but I get a little over half of it out of the way while watching the game.
8:36 pm – I stop work, and get a snack.
{Chobani coconut, blackberries, Peanut Butter Toast Crunch, Justin’s honey peanut butter, apple}
Keep watching the game, and write a bunch of this post. Decide I should probably go watch the game with some friends when I’m done eating. I finally found a couple other people who care about it.
9:37 pm – Decide I’m not doing Kuvia tomorrow (or for the rest of the week). I value sleep and watching the rest of this game.
11:55 PM – Sleeeeeep. Finally.
And before I wish you all a lovely day, I have a wonderful 10-year old cousin to wish a fabulous birthday. Happy double-digits, Kayla! Have fantastic day!
And everyone else, have a great day, as well!
No questions, just give me some thoughts 🙂
I love the pictures with blue skies and fluffy clouds. 🙂
Thought 1: I can’t believe you stood for so long in the freezing cold, waiting in line to exercise! You are such a trooper…I would have chickened out and gone home. 😛
Thought 2: I am totally with you on your decision that there is a time and place for exercise/early morning rising and also a time and place for late night game-watching and catching up on precious sleep! 😉
Thought 3, last but not least: Your cousin is a cutie-pie!! What an adorable smile…Happy birthday to her! (Also, as soon as I saw her picture I guessed she had to be related, as I think she looks a lot like you.)