All this is to say that sometimes you’re just absolutely done with everything.* Maybe it is because you’re sick or maybe work is taking its toll or you’re concerned about family or friends – it doesn’t really matter. Chances are, you don’t have the ability to really escape. And even if you did, it probably wouldn’t fix much. So… what do you do?
- Take a break
It probably can’t be as long a break as you want (forever?), but stepping away from all things that are bothering you even for 5 minutes can really help. I highly recommend coloring and dance parties as breaks. If you can nap, that’s probably a good idea, too.
- Add something you enjoy
I haven’t wanted to do schoolwork at all over the past three days. Because I’m a little melodramatic, I’ve wanted to be done with school forever. I still have had quite a bit to do. So, whenever I sit down to work, I put on ridiculously comfortable clothes and make myself some tea or put on some music. Having something I do want distracts me from the fact that I’d rather not be working.
- Look ahead
I’m not saying it’s going to serve you well to try to plan out the entire future. (Please don’t try. It can get a little terrifying and overwhelming.) However, sometimes life seems particularly tough and it’s nice to visualize a time when it’ll be better – because it does get better.
- Phone a friend
It is enormously relieving to tell someone that everything is awful. Sometimes I call my mom or dad, sometimes I message a friend, and sometimes I just go complain to everyone in the house lounge. Chances are, there is someone who will offer support. And if not, at least commiserate with you.
- Find gratitude
When all you want to do is throw yourself a pity party, this is horribly annoying. However, even on the worst days, I find that thinking about a couple of good things helps a lot. My back hurts, but at least I can move independently. Classes are hard, but I’m ridiculously lucky to be here. Everything is uncertain, but I have a lot of options and opportunities. I’m surrounded by great friends. You get the gist.
- Celebrate
If you do anything, no matter how small, find it exciting. If you want to do nothing, doing anything is a victory. Basically, be ridiculously nice to yourself.
What do you do when you feel less than fantastic?
*I have a cold. The world is not ending. I am aware of this, I promise. Still, these tips help through all the tougher times!
Wise words. Keep plugging along, and I hope you feel better soon.
Thanks, Daddy.
Sleeping with a cold…just sucks 😛 It’s a cruel joke! When you want to just rest, laying down, you just can’t breathe! Sending you good health friend! Drink drink drink drink!!!!! That always flushes it out!
Thanks, Rebecca! My water bottle and tea mug are my best friends right now!
Booooo for being sick. I certainly hope you feel better ASAP! Even if it is just a cold, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck.
Thanks, Julia!
Aww being sick during school is never fun. I hope you feel better soon!
Thank you ❤️
Sending good vibes to you! I was sick a few weeks ago (like you, “just” a cold) and it makes operating SO much more difficult. The lack of sleep and tiredness really got to me! I love that you’re focusing on the positives and how to cope 🙂
Thanks, Christine! I’m glad you’re feeling better!
I love these tips, Ellen!! I want to make these action items and pin it to my phone lock screen as a constant reminder! Thank you! I’ve been doing the finding gratitude one more lately, as I have a lot around me to remind me to be grateful for the things we may normally take for granted. Also, the phone a friend is one I have a tendency to favor. My poor friends…but they are good sports and a huge support!! I don’t know what I’d do without my awesome family + friends!! ❤️
Thank you! I rely on others quite a bit myself. Support systems are fantastic. 🙂
Fix some chicken/noodle soup and some hot tea. Slip on something fleecy and curl up in a fleecy throw. Actually rubbing inside your nostrils with some Vicks helps the breathing. Sounds a little gross, but it helps. In the meantime I will send warm vibes your direction. Think they will be needed the next few days.
Thanks, Grandma ❤️
I know this is a couple days late, but I hope your feeling better! When I want to chill out I grab a book and light a candle 🙂
I’m feeling a bit better, thanks!
Ugh, I feel ya girl. Being sick basically makes life 100% miserable. I have a pretty horrible cold last month that seemed to last for 2 weeks! My two biggest things for getting through the day: promise myself a nap, or at least the time I would nap to lay in bed and have “no obligation” time, and bribe myself with a treat of some sort.
Ick! I’m glad you’re feeling better now. I definitely make an effort to treat myself to some extra downtime, too.