It’s been a super productive week and things feel like they’re in pretty good shape. The guest room is put together, we have our new giant mattress, and the nursery is functional, if not decorated yet.
Work is still crazy for both Jack and I, and with Thanksgiving this week, we only have so much downtime. We’ll try to rest where we can, and if I find myself feeling too rested, I’ll probably add to our freezer stash of food.
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I’m Pregnant! + The First Trimester
At 32 weeks pregnant, baby girl is supposedly the size of a pineapple.
My hunger has been all over the place this week. When baby girl in some positions, I feel full no matter when I last ate, and then she moves and I realize I’m actually hungry.
I’ve upped the aloe water, senna, and magnesium again. My doctor says I probably should continue at that dose as baby girl gets bigger.
My sciatica is back, mostly in the evenings and first thing in the morning.
When I walk the dogs, sometimes I get a fairly awful cramp in my right side. It doesn’t happen when I’m walking around the house, going up and down the stairs, doing errands, or anything else. Once it happens, the rest of our walk is super slow and I have to take a bunch of breaks to try and shift baby girl around so the pain goes away for a few minutes.
I have to pee a whole lot and I’m crazy thirsty.
My sleep has been okay for most of the week up until last night, when I woke up at 1am and hardly slept after that due to a massive headache, nausea, and hip pain.
I get out of breath so, so easily, despite keeping up a decent workout routine my whole pregnancy. Like, if I talk too much, I sound like I went for a jog.
Baby girl is crazy active and she really likes to curl up in a ball on my right side.
You can no longer tell me I don’t look pregnant. People do it, but it’s not true.
My diet is still pretty much my normal:
- After not cooking for several days due to the lasagna I made last week, I didn’t feel like cooking on Thursday, so Jack made us a giant amazing omelet with chicken sausage, cheddar, caramelized onions, and avocado, to split for dinner
- I threw together this Tandoori Chicken & Cauliflower Sheet Pan for lunch. It was fine and it fed us quickly using ingredients we had on hand when we were both busy, but I’d adjust the spices to make it a little more flavorful if we made it again
- On Saturday, I put this Italian Beef in the slow cooker in the morning with the intent of using up some Italian sub rolls that had been in our freezer forever. Except they’d been in there too long and were gross, so we made Italian beef grilled cheeses using a mix of mozzarella, an Italian cheese blend, and cheddar, and they were excellent.
- I used up the rest of the Italian beef in place of ground chicken to make these Italian stuffed peppers, which are also awesome.
We also had Chipotle and a carryout early Thanksgiving meal with Jack’s dad.
Aside from that, I’ve had a lot of apples, pears, peanut butter, bagels, eggs, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and dates.
I’m still following the Expecting and Empowered pregnancy guide, so that covered three of my workouts, and I’ve been doing some pelvic floor and flexibility work most days. The lower- and full-body workouts especially still totally kick my butt, when I might have expected them to slow down a little as I get further along. I do try to keep the weights relatively heavy, so that probably explains the difficulty to some extent.
I walked the boys a few days last week, and with plenty of housework to do, I’ve been staying active and my body feels tired at the end of most days. Like I said earlier, I get out of breath pretty easily but I’m trying to keep up with all the stuff we want to do around here while I can, because I know relatively soon I’ll be in recovery mode.
We opted to keep the chest freezer in the garage, since it’s closer to the kitchen than the basement is. So, Jack cleaned it out and we turned it on, and I’ve started transporting all the stuff in our freezer out there and I’m hoping to take some time to add to the stash.
I started organizing the nursery, and realized I have no idea if I’m organizing it in a way that’s going to make sense at all once there’s a baby in it. But I’m trying.
And we got the guest room all put together. It’s the room that’s been an absolute disaster since we moved in, and it’s finally usable, so that feels pretty great.
Not a baby-specific preparation, but I’m trying to squeeze in all my Christmas gift buying in the next week or so, so we’re holiday-ready, even if she decides to show up before then.
Ben does not love the nursery. Whenever I’m up there working, he gets very pouty and sits right outside the door. I’m hoping adding a rug will help and he’ll show more interest once there’s a baby in there, but he knows something is up and he isn’t sure about it.
I’m in super-nesting mode. When I know I should be tired and sitting down, I kind of can’t help flitting around the house and cleaning, cooking, purging, or organizing. Oops.
Love the Italian beef grilled cheese idea…that is how we eat it…so so so good. 🙂
We’ll “grilled cheese” about anything and it’s rarely a bad idea!