Replying to emails in a timely manner
This is something I know I need to work on, especially as I enter the professional world. Sometimes, I just don’t have the words to respond at the moment, so I mull it over and totally forget. Other times, I craft a response in my head (or in the drafts folder) and forget I haven’t sent it.
{If only}
I can’t fall asleep without taking at least an hour of solitary time to just relax and wind down from the day. And regardless of the time I do manage to get to sleep, I always wake up before 7 am. What’s worse is that 90% I wake up by 5:30 am. Also, I can’t really nap (most of the time). My days are long. And filled with Diet Coke.
Buttoning buttons.
I used to play the piano. I can type really well. I have perfectly good dexterity in my fingers, but I’ve really always struggled with buttons. I unbutton shirts as much as I have to in order to get them over my head, and rarely more than that. And I guess I’m lucky that I can just slide most pants on without unbuttoning them?
It isn’t that I don’t like having clean floors. I do. It’s really just that I get all tangled up in the cord and start running over it with the vacuum. It started when I tried to vacuum my room and actually did vacuum up the cord years ago, and then I never really got the hang of it after that…
Making decisions.
What if I decide to eat at the wrong restaurant? What if the brownie sundae would taste slightly better than the peanut butter cheesecake? What if the 9 am section of a class is taught by a teacher who’s slightly inferior to the one who teaches the 9:30 am section? What if painting my nails silver instead of pink changes the entire course of my life? Decisions are tough.
Sitting still.
I fidget like crazy. I am constantly tapping my fingers or bouncing my leg or shifting positions. My body gets achy and my mind gets sleepy if I’m in one position for too long, so I move a lot without really noticing it.
Eating reasonable amounts of sweet things.
This definitely started when I came to school. When I’m studying or stressed (or whenever I feel like it), chocolate, candy, cereal, ice cream, and cookies are not safe. Whatever is around will be demolished. And I will probably not really regret it unless I end up with a stomachache.
Being flexible.
I think I’ll always be working on this, but I really like plans, and I’m bad with spontaneity. I like knowing what to expect and being prepared.
Opening boxes without ripping them.
{Like so}
You know that little tab on cereal/cracker/snack boxes that’s supposed to help you open them and then keep them shut? Somehow, I usually manage to rip it so it no longer serves the purpose of actually closing the box. I don’t think that’s supposed to happen.
Leaving Target without buying too much.
I’ve said this before. Target is a black hole of amazing stuff (mostly foodstuff) that I just have to have. I’m pretty good at not spending too much money, but Target kind of does me in.
What are you horrible at?
I am so with you on Target. I cannot pass the dollar bins without leaving with at least five items.
If it’s cheap, it totally feels justifiable 🙂
Haha! replying to emails in a timely manner escapes me sometimes, too. I’ve started organizing my emails into folders and flagging the ones that require a response, which has helped a bunch! Making decisions can also be tough for me…especially little trivial decisions like which flavor of ice cream to get hahaha.
That sounds like a good system! And ALL of the ice cream flavors is the right choice there 😉
Super-bad at letting other people do me favors and help me out by doing work for me. Also at avoiding eating any of my allergens that my naturopath would love for me to eliminate from my diet (but, I ask you, how can one say no to peanut butter? And all dairy? Almonds? Eggs? Like, as in, never EVER have them? No, just no…and I’m oh so thankful that I’m not fatally allergic and I can choose to indulge!!). And I, too, am really, really bad if my schedule/what I expected would happen today gets messed up. 🙂
I always rip boxes, too!! My specialty are the big boxes of freezer gallon bags from Costco. 😉 You should have seen me yesterday with a box of Greek yogurt…I got so frustrated with my inability to get the box open, I purposely just lit into it and ripped it to shreds, because I didn’t need the box, and so I could. I think I have issues. 😛
Oh my goodness, Ellen, we’re like twins on the sleeping thing!!! You could have been *describing* me!! And it continues to amaze my family and friends that I can’t sleep in, no matter how tired I am.
Hope your week’s going great! <3
Hahaha we’re so similar 🙂 Yeah, I was up until 2 am this weekend… and up again at 5 am 😛 Craziness. Hope you had a great week – sorry for the super late reply!
I am horrible at balancing. I do not feel like I do all things well when I have all things going on at one time. Yet, I am working on it, so I hope one day I will not be horrible at balancing all the things. 🙂
Sitting still is not possible. If I am talking on the phone, I need to be walking around. It is difficult for me to sit at the computer to edit things; I need to be moving in some manner. Sorry. You get this from me, I think.
You are excellent at balancing because you are superwoman! 🙂
And, yep, I know. Totally blame you for that one 😛
I totally get what you mean about the emails! I do the same thing sometimes, especially the mulling over it, and composing a response in my head, and then thinking I had sent it when I hadn’t.
“Opening boxes without ripping them” <- I'm pretty sure this runs in our family. My sister, Hannah, does it the most, but I have the problem, too. I was working in the kitchen at a conference this weekend, and we were making to-go lunches for some if the speakers, and I had closed up the to-go containers before putting the dressing on the salad, so we had to open them back up to put the salad dressing on. I broke every single one trying to open them. Arrg!
I am also horrible at making decisions, especially when it comes to menus… :S Other things I'm horrible at includes, but is not limited to, sports (our anything body related), coming up with things on the fly, fiction writing, walking "ladylike" (I always trip when I least want to! And we aren't talking heels here, I can do it in tennis shoes!), and trusting myself.
Haha I’m not excellent at sports/anything involving coordination either 🙂 Last night, I gave up walking in heels and went barefoot for a while… not super lady-like, but it was kind of necessary.